
How to apply for the Aliexpress International Visa Card

Aliexpress International Visa Card can be great for those with bad credit and those who want to make purchases in dollars. Click and find out how to order yours!


Aliexpress International Visa Card


The Aliexpress International Visa card is a prepaid card that was created by the e-commerce giant, Aliexpress, for those who want a card with practicality to buy in stores abroad. Therefore, he has his dollar balance to buy both online and in physical stores.

In addition, another advantage of the Aliexpress International Visa card is that it does not consult credit protection agencies, such as SPC and Serasa. Therefore, the Aliexpress prepaid card facilitates the acquisition for those who are negative, without a great risk of even greater debt due to the fact that it is prepaid, that is, you only spend what you have in your balance.

So, to top up your Aliexpress card balance is very simple, all through a bank slip with a value in reais. But this amount will be later converted and loaded into US Dollars (USD) on your credit card balance. 

So, check out some more advantages of the Visa International Aliexpress card for you:

  • The dollar value is calculated at the time of purchase;
  • It also has ZERO annuity and monthly fee;
  • It has the Visa Internacional flag, that is, the Visa Internacional credit card is widely accepted in stores in Brazil and abroad.

So, did you just see how many good advantages? Therefore, if you already feel like asking for a card to call yours, just keep reading and check out the step by step below.


Credit card


Visa International

ZERO annuity, exclusive application and card balance recharge is in dollars

You will be redirected to another website

Step by step to apply for Aliexpress International Visa Card 

Passo a passo para solicitar
Step by step to apply

For those who want to have a card with a dollar balance, check out how to apply for your Visa International Aliexpress card below!


Order Online


If you want to apply for your card completely digitally, it's that simple! Well, just access the website of the partner and issuer of the card, “Quero meu prepaid”. So, after accessing it, you can start the request by clicking on “Buy your card” choosing between two available layouts and clicking on “I want mine”.

  • Only the virtual type card, for online purchases;
  • Virtual card and also the physical version, for in-person purchases in physical stores.

Then, choose the amount you want to load on your card in dollars: 30, 50, 100 and 200 dollars. Thus, the site calculates the amount in reais that you will need to transfer. So, at the end, click on “Checkout” and accept the terms of use by clicking on “Go to payment”.

But anyway, if you are not a customer, you will need to fill out a registration form on the site, with your personal data, identification documents, home address, email and cell phone. 

So, after all this click on “Send form”, Finally you choose the payment method and click on “Finish”. In this way, the application for the Visa International Aliexpress card. is done and you can wait for your physical card to arrive at the address you provided in the online registration.

So, just unlock your card, load it and start using it for your purchases!

Request Via Phone


But it is not possible to apply for the Aliexpress card over the phone. In this way, you can contact the card issuer using the following numbers:

  • 4003-7666 (Capitals and metropolitan regions)
  • 0800-720-7777 (Hearing Impaired)
  • 0800-722-0132 (Ombudsman)

Download Application


All you have to do is download the Aliexpress application on your smartphone, available free of charge for both Android and iOS systems. So just open your phone's app store and download.


Free Market Card or Aliexpress International Visa Card?

Qual o melhor cartão?
What's the best card?

Another e-commerce giant that also offers a prepaid card is Mercado Livre. Thus, the Mercado Livre card accepts requests from those with a dirty name, does not consult the SPC and Serasa, and also has a good benefits and cashback program. 

Therefore, check out the comparison table between the two cards below. But don't forget that the Aliexpress card only allows balance in dollars, while the MercadoLibre card is in reais.

Mercado PagoVisa International Aliexpress
Minimum Incomeit is not necessarynot required
BenefitsMastercard Surprisebalance in dollar, no issue fee or monthly fee

How to apply for the Mercado Pago card

Did you like the paid market prepaid credit card and want to apply? So, see the step-by-step that will help you right now!

About the author  /  Aline Saes

Master in Social History from USP. She is a freelance writer for various subjects. Always passionate about writing, her mission is to bring information to people in a simple and attractive way.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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