
How to apply for the Opa Card! Visa

Oops Card! Visa is a good option for those who are negative, in addition to offering a digital account and exclusive benefits. Check out!


Oops Card! Visa


For those who are negative, a prepaid card can make all the difference so that they can go back to shopping online and subscribing to digital services. So, if you identify with this situation, we suggest you get to know the Opa card! Visa. Because it will allow you to have access to these possibilities, in addition to other exclusive benefits.

Furthermore, it has its own digital account, and you can manage both your digital account and the use of your Opa! Visa directly through the exclusive application. But you will need to choose one of the possible plans for the card – silver, gold or diamond – and each of them will have a different monthly fee, as well as exclusive benefits.

However, do not worry, Opa Payments is reliable and will provide a good service, despite charging fees if you carry out more financial operations than your limit, such as withdrawals, account transfers and monthly prepaid card recharges.

But the Opa card is still a good option, and if you're thinking of applying for one, just check out all the information we've gathered for you below!


Credit card

Oops! Visa

Visa International

Oops Card! it is prepaid, with cashback via cell phone recharge and option with ZERO annuity

You will be redirected to another website

Step by step to apply for the Opa Card! Visa


If you are among those who have already made up their minds and want to have an Opa! Visa to call yours and better organize your personal finances, it's time to order the card. But how? That's what we try to explain in the step by step below. So check it out!


Order online

Because to apply online, you just need to access the Opa Payments website, and look on the main page for the button “Order mine now”. Then, you will automatically open a new page with a registration form to make the request.

Therefore, you will need to provide some data and documents, such as:

  • Full name.
  • RG;
  • CPF;
  • email address;
  • Phone for contact;
  • You can be under 18 years old and foreigners can also apply.

Then, after completing the form, you send it for data analysis. Thus, you will quickly receive a response from the analysis in your email, and if everything is right you will receive your Opa card! Visa directly to the residential address you provided in the registration form.

Request via phone

But it is not possible to apply for the Opa card! Visa directly by phone. In addition, we did not find a number to contact a call center. So, it is possible to send emails to:

download app

Because the application is free and available for both Android and IOS, just access your cell phone's app store and download it.


Olé Consigned Card or Opa Card! Visa?

Olé Consignado ou Cartão Opa!
Olé Consigned or Opa Card!

But if you are still in doubt about whether or not to ask for your Opa card, we present an option, the Olé Consignado card. Because he also accepts negatives, being excellent for INSS retirees and pensioners. So, check out the comparison table below to help you decide:

Olé Consigned CardOops Card! Visa
Minimum Incomenot requirednot required
AnnuityexemptMonthly fee depends on plan type: exempt (light), R$: 3.99 (plus),R$: 6.99 (premium)
BenefitsGoes from Visa, cashback programGo from Visa, cashback by mobile recharge

How to apply for the Olé Consignado credit card

The Olé payroll card is a card that accepts negative payments, excellent for INSS retirees and pensioners, with zero annuity. Click and find out how to order yours!

About the author  /  Aline Saes

Master in Social History from USP. She is a freelance writer for various subjects. Always passionate about writing, her mission is to bring information to people in a simple and attractive way.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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