
How to apply for the Meu Vasco BMG card

The Meu Vasco BMG card is issued with the Mastercard flag, personalized with the team's colors. Through this digital account, customers have access to several benefits, in addition to helping the team at heart.


My Vasco BMG Card

Cartão Meu Vasco BMG
My Vasco BMG Card

In partnership with the financial institution, the Meu Vasco BMG card is issued under the Mastercard brand. However, the digital account is intended for Basque citizens who are looking for a free 100% modality with no annual fee. 

Therefore, the card is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a credit card option, and still wants to have a card from their favorite team.

First, you will benefit from all the benefits offered by BMG.

However, the club will also benefit, as it is a card created in partnership!


Credit card

My Vasco BMG

International MasterCard

ZERO annual fee, allows national and international purchases and helps Vasco da Gama.

You will be redirected to another website

Step by step to apply for the BMG card

Como solicitar o Cartão Meu Vasco BMG
How to apply for the Meu Vasco BMG Card

In addition, fans can also help the club financially, as part of the money raised is used to build a new training center for athletes. 

Order online

In fact, to apply for the BMG card, interested parties must open a digital account through the official website of the financial institution. 

However, the following documents are required for opening the digital account:

  • Original document with photo;
  • Updated proof of residence;
  • A personal reference. 

However, upon completing the registration, the customer undergoes a credit analysis. However, if approved, you will receive the card afterwards, within the period established by BMG.

Request via phone

However, if you have questions regarding the Meu Vasco BMG card, use the means of communication for assistance: 

  • SAC: 0800 979 9099
  • Ombudsman: 0800 723 2044
  • Services for the hearing and speech impaired: 0800 979 7333

Finally, it should be noted that the available phones do not accept proposals for credit cards.

However, if you have questions about BMG and your credit card, please contact the helpline.

Request by app

Furthermore, to open a digital account at Meu Vasco BMG, simply download the application on your Android or iOS smartphone and register. 

Finally, the request is very fast, and does not take a short time to finalize. In addition, the same documents requested in the issuance through the website are requested by the application. 

BMG Payroll Card or Meu Vasco BMG Credit Card: which one to choose?

Cartão Meu Vasco BMG
My Vasco BMG Card

However, if you are in doubt about which BMG product to choose, see the comparison chart below!

BMG consignedMy Vasco BMG
Minimum IncomeMinimum wageMinimum wage
BenefitsNo SPC or Serasa consultation;
No annuity. 
24-hour service;
points program;
Accepted in several establishments;
Greater security and practicality in your purchases. 

How to apply for BMG card

The BMG credit card for negatives is a card that offers ease of approval and can be personalized. Find out how to apply here!

About the author  /  Aline Augusto

Professional writer and Systems Analyst, passionate about writing and learning! Specialized in Content Marketing and SEO.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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