
How to apply for the Credicard Zero card

With the Credicard Zero card, you pay no annual fee and you also participate in the Mastercard Surpreenda rewards program. See how to order yours today!


Credicard Zero: discount in more than 50 partner stores

Então, como solicitar? Fonte: Credicard.
So how to apply? Source: Credicard.

Undoubtedly, the Credicard Zero card is an interesting option, as it does not charge an annual fee and has international coverage.

Furthermore, it is a very modern financial product and your account is 100% digital, which makes our day to day a lot easier, isn't it?

In addition, it offers discounts at more than 50 partner stores for you to save on your purchases.

So, check below how to apply for your card to enjoy all the benefits it has to offer. Let's go?


Credit card

Credicard Zero

International MasterCard

ZERO annual fee, discount at more than 50 partner stores, 100% digital account, etc.

You will be redirected to another website

Order online

Então, como solicitar online? Fonte: Unsplash.
So how to apply online? Source: Unsplash.

Well, to apply online is very simple. First, you must access the Credicard website and select the “Order now” option.

After that, fill in all the requested data so that the bank can analyze your profile.

Then, you must wait for the answer and, if everything is ok, you can start using your account.


Request via phone

Although it is not possible to make the request by phone, you can contact the Customer Service Center to clarify all your doubts. To do so, call the following numbers:

  • 4090 1100 (Capitals and metropolitan regions);
  • 0800 770 1100 (Other locations);
  • 0800 724 2400 (Hearing/speech impaired).

Request by app

Então, como solicitar pelo app? Fonte: Unsplash.
So how to order through the app? Source: Unsplash.

Finally, to make the request through the app, you must download the app, which is available for both Android and iOS.

After that, click on “I want a card” and provide all the requested data. After credit analysis and approval, the bank will release your account.

In addition, you can use your card immediately after approval through the virtual card. Very practical, don't you think?

Santander SX card or Credicard Zero card: which one to choose?

However, if you still have doubts about the best card choice, don't worry, as we've separated an exclusive comparison table below based on our readers' opinion on the best cards on the market.

Thus, you will be able to make your decision with all the information at hand. Check out!

Santander SXCredicard Zero
Minimum IncomeR$ 500 for account holders
R$ 1,045 for non-account holders
not required
AnnuityR$ 399 or 12x of R$33.25
Possibility of exemption
FlagVisa or MastercardMasterCard
BenefitsDiscounts at Esfera partner stores, contactless paymentMastercard Surprise, discount in more than 50 partner stores
But what is the best credit card option?

How to apply for the Santander SX card

The Santander SX card has great benefits. Learn how to apply for it by following the step by step indicated in the post.

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