card machines

How to order the Turbo Pan machine

Do you need a card machine for your establishment? You can request a Turbo Pan card machine from the comfort of your home on the bank's official website or through the Banco Pan app. Check out more information here.


Request your machine with free shipping throughout Brazil

Veja como funciona a solicitação! Fonte: Pexels.
See how the request works! Source: Pexels.

The Turbo Pan machine is a simple and inexpensive option for you to have the first card machine in your business and thus be able to make even more sales.

Nowadays, everyone who makes a purchase in person wants to pay for their order using a card. That's why having a Turbo Pan machine gives you more sales opportunities!


Card machine

Turbo Pan

reduced rates free shipping

Receive it within 24 hours and make sales with the lowest rates!

You will be redirected to another website

And the best part is that when you order your Turbo Pan machine, you can receive it within 7 business days.

Check out the following post to find out how to apply for the Turbo Pan machine and find out how to order yours!

Request via WhatsApp

Hoje você pode pedir a máquina no site ou app. Fonte: Pexels.
Today you can order the machine on the website or app. Source: Pexels.

Nowadays, many card machines that seek to make things easier allow the public to request it from a WhatsApp conversation.

However, in the case of the Turbo Pan machine, your request can only be made through the bank's official website or app.


Request via website

The most common way to request a Turbo Pan card machine is through the bank's official website. To do this, you just need to follow the steps below:

  1. Access the official website of the Turbo Pan machine;
  2. Choose your machine and click on the “Order” button;
  3. Enter your personal data, such as CPF, date of birth, among others;
  4. Confirm the code sent to your cell phone;
  5. Follow the instructions to complete the request.

Once completed, you can wait until your Turbo Pan machine arrives at the address provided.

Request by app

Finally, another common way to request the Turbo Pan machine is through the bank's official app.

To do this, you need to download the app. It is available for both Android and iOS devices.

After downloading, simply open your digital account in the app and then order your machine.

Turbo Pan machine or Ton machine: which one to choose?

A Ton também consegue oferecer boas vantagens na sua maquininha! Fonte: Ton.
Ton can also offer good advantages on its machine! Source: Ton.

Although the machine is a good option for a card machine, there are others on the market that you can also check out to compare.

One of them is the Ton machine, which is a rental-free option that allows you to exchange it for free and you also have access to resources to make sales through social media!

So, if you liked the Ton card machine option, check out the following post to find out how to request it!

Turbo Pan Machineton machine
debit rateStarting from 1,48%Starting at 1,39%
upfront credit rateAs of 3,50% As of 3,20%
Installment credit rateStarting at 13,99%Starting at 12,99%
Additional per installmentUninformed0,33%
Benefitsfree digital account
emergency limit
Up to R$ 6 thousand credit on the card
digital account that yields
no rent
Allow sales by ticket
See the comparison of the machines
Mulher sorrindo enquanto está atrás de um caixa de uma loja

How to request a Ton machine

Check out this post to see how you can get your Ton card machine!

About the author  /  Leticia Jordan

Hello! I have a degree in Marketing and ended up discovering my passion in the area of content production! Today I have experience writing about digital marketing and personal finance where I always focus on delivering the information that the public needs most.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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