
How to apply for the BxBlue loan

Learn how to apply for a BxBlue payroll loan, other useful information about this loan, so that you can pay off all your debts!


BxBlue Loan

Como solicitar o empréstimo BxBlue Imagem: BxBlue
How to apply for a BxBlue loan Image: BxBlue

Initially, BxBlue works by offering loans to retirees, INSS pensioners, public servants and workers with a formal contract at the lowest interest rates on the market. So, we will teach you how to apply for a Bxblue loan and other information about this type of credit to help you pay off your debts!

So, to understand more about it and how you can access it, read on! Check out!



Bx Blue

online consigned

loan that accepts negative payments, paid in up to 96x SIAPE and 84x by INSS

You will be redirected to another website

Step by step to apply for the BxBlue payroll loan

Como solicitar o empréstimo BxBlue Imagem: BxBlue
How to apply for a BxBlue loan Image: BxBlue

So, let's take a step-by-step guide to applying for a BxBlue loan:

Order online

Well, ordering online is very simple. Just go to the Bxblue website, fill out the registration form, providing all your personal data. Then, the credit analysis will take place quickly and efficiently!

In this, if you meet the company's criteria, the proposal will be approved. So it's a fast, safe and interesting way to get money!

Request via phone

So, as we mentioned, the BxBlue payroll loan request can only be made online.

This is because it relies on the speed of the internet so that proposals can be approved in a faster and safer way. Likewise, complaints can also be made via the website.

But, if you want to ask questions about Bxblue, just contact us at: 3004-4883.

download app

Como solicitar o empréstimo BxBlue Imagem: BxBlue
How to apply for a BxBlue loan Image: BxBlue

So, there is no application to make a Bxblue loan proposal, this is because all proposals must be sent directly on the website.

Agibank loan or BxBlue loan?

Therefore, the Bxblue payroll loan has several advantages such as low interest rates and is very simple to apply for. So, don’t put it off for later and do it today! But if you still have doubts, how about finding out about the Agibank loan as an option? Check it out below:

BxBlue consignedAgibank for negatives
Minimum Incomeuninformeduninformed
Interest rateStarting at 0.99% am1.63% am
Deadline to pay96 months (SIAPE) and 84 months (INSS)up to 72 months
release periodImmediate cash release for digital banks and 2 to 5 business days for other banks. In case of portability of credit or debt between banks, the money can take up to 20 days to be released.Until 16:30 on the same day of release
loan amountR$1,500 to R$400,000R$200 to R$10,000
Do you accept negatives?YesYes
BenefitsPayroll deductionPayment by bank slip, check or direct debit

How to apply for the Agibank loan

If you already understood what the Agibank loan for negatives is and you were delighted with its advantages, the time has come to find out how to apply for it.

About the author  /  Joyce Viana

Graduated in Law from PUC Minas. Post Graduated in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure by Faculdade Legale. She produces content for different niches, from recipes and finance to beauty and health. Since he was a child, he made writing his best friend, and he never stopped!

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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