Real Estate Credit

How to apply for CrediHome real estate credit

With CrediHome, you will find the best options to finally make your dream of home ownership come true. Read this article and find out how to simulate and hire yours!


CrediHome: simulate now and have the best credit options

Mas, afinal, como simular e contratar o financiamento imobiliário com a CrediHome? Fonte: CrediHome.
But, after all, how to simulate and contract real estate financing with CrediHome? Source: CrediHome.

First, CrediHome is a fintech that acts as an intermediary in the financing process. In this sense, with it, you can simulate your CrediHome mortgage and find the best options for your pocket. Furthermore, there are more than 10 banks authorized by the Central Bank that work in partnership with CrediHome.

Therefore, in today's article, we will show you how to simulate and apply for your credit. Continue reading and get closer to the dream of owning a home.


Real Estate Credit


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Simulate the best real estate financing options.

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Order online

Mas, afinal, como solicitar online? Fonte: Pexels.
But, after all, how to apply online? Source: Pexels.

Firstly, applying for your home loan online with CrediHome is very simple. To do this, just go to the official website and fill out the form. Also, follow the steps described below.

  • Access the CrediHome website;
  • Then select “Real Estate Financing”;
  • Once this is done, enter the value of the property;
  • Then, enter the financing amount you need;
  • The next step is to indicate whether you are going to use your FGTS;
  • Then fill in your basic information;
  • Finally, submit your proposal for review.

Likewise, after the analysis period, CrediHome will send you the credit options that best fit your profile. Thus, you can send your documentation and contract your desired real estate financing.


Request via phone

Likewise, if you prefer, CrediHome offers the option of requesting your mortgage over the phone. In addition, the process is similar to the previous one, the difference is that a specialized consultant will assist you and assist you in the process. To do so, contact us via WhatsApp, whose number is (11) 96626-8241.

Request by app

Unfortunately, CrediHome does not yet have an app available. But you have full support from the official website.

CrediPronto Real Estate Credit or CrediHome Real Estate Credit: which one to choose?

So, now that you've met CrediHome, it's easier to decide if it's ideal for your needs. But, if you realize that you want to analyze other proposals, how about getting to know CrediPronto? Furthermore, it is an Itaú bank company. In short, CrediPronto finances its real estate with standard interest, savings and mix interest.

That is, it is also an interesting option, as well as CrediHome. Then, see the differences between each in the table below. As a result, choose the best option according to your needs.

crediprontocredit home
Minimum Incomenot informednot informed
Interest rateFrom 8.3% aaDepends on the chosen bank
Deadline to pay360 monthsDepends on the chosen bank
Deadline for releaseUp to 5 business days after approvalDepends on the chosen bank
credit amountUp to 90% of property valueDepends on the chosen bank
Do you accept negatives?NoDepends on the chosen bank
BenefitsIt belongs to the Itaú bank, so it is reliableYou can compare different banks before choosing the best option for you.
But, after all, what are the characteristics of credits?

How to apply for CrediPronto real estate credit

With CrediPronto real estate credit, you have up to 360 months to pay and interest from 8.3% pa Now we'll show you how to apply for yours. Check out!

About the author  /  Leticia Maia

Journalism student at UFSC, has always been passionate about writing. In the middle of college, he met digital marketing and was enchanted. She is a content producer for blogs and social networks.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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