
How to apply for the Magalu consortium

With the Magalu consortium, you can make your dream of owning your own home come true, with zero interest rates and many other advantages. The request is simple and in this content you will know all the details. Check out!


Magalu: the best homeownership consortium

O melhor consórcio de casa própria. Fonte: Magalu.
The best consortium of own house. Source: Magalu.

The Magalu own house consortium is indeed one of the best shared payment options on the market, as in addition to not charging interest, it offers terms of up to 240 installments for payment. 

Therefore, if you have the dream of acquiring a movable, immovable property or even a good service, it is very important to know the Magalu consortium. With almost 30 years on the market, this Magalu service has more than 85,000 active customers who compete for raffles and access to credit for the amount paid each month.

In this article, we'll explain to you how to participate in one of the biggest consortium plans in Brazil, so don't miss any of the topics below!


real estate consortium


Safe great deadline

At the Magalu consortium you have up to 240 months to pay interest-free installments. Check out!

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schedule call

When it comes to contracting services from any company, the right thing to do is to look for their service channels. In this sense, the first service channel is the telephone.

Magalu makes the following telephone channels available to customers and interested parties:

  • 0800 3401214 or (11) 3185-7300.

It is important to emphasize that both centers work based on customer service provided by the company's own employees. Therefore, they are available from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 6 pm and on Saturdays from 9 am to 1 pm. The telephone service does not work on holidays.

It is worth remembering that this is not the best or fastest channel, however it is an option if you do not have access to the other two that will come below.

Request visit

Our second option is not the most convenient and practical, but in many cases it is more than contacting through telephone channels. Well, just look for the Magalu store in your city and when you get there, find out about the processes to join the Magalu consortium.

Soon after, the attendants responsible for this area will explain all the actions that those interested in contracting the service must take to start participating in the Magalu consortium. 

Request via app

Como solicitar pelo aplicativo? Fonte: Pexels.
How to order through the app? Source: Pexels.

Finally, we have the option that many, like us at Senhor Panda, consider the best way to hire the Magalu consortium, which is through the app. To do this, just download the application that is available for Android and iOS.

After entering the app, search for the consortium option and enter all the necessary data such as monthly income, consortium value and installments, as well as the product you want to purchase. 

From this, the company's system will generate the best plan for you, under the terms and conditions necessary to become a consortium member.

Caixa real estate consortium or Magalu consortium: which one to choose?

Stopping to analyze this clash, it is necessary, first of all, to define a fixed objective for entering a consortium, as there are different characteristics between Caixa and Magalu.

When it comes to ratings, both companies rank well for customers. In addition, they tend to deal with the vast majority of registered problems and complaints.

But it's worth remembering that it all depends on the situation the consortium is in. Both options are worth looking into.

Box Magalu
Minimum Incomenot informednot informed
Interest rateExemptExempt
Deadline to payUp to 200 monthsUp to 240 months
Where to use the creditResidential or commercial real estate Properties
BenefitsZero interest, 200 installments, 50% of bid amountZero interest, below-average rate, contemplation in fixed bid or raffle
Characteristics of consortia

How to apply for Caixa real estate consortium

Consórcio Caixa offers residential or commercial property with zero interest and up to 200 installments. Find out how to apply here.

About the author  /  Marina Poncio

Graduated in Financial Management from UNOPAR. Acted as manager of large multinational companies. He is currently dedicated to editing, planning and producing content for the web specializing in economics and finance.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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