
How to apply for the Fiat consortium

Want to buy a Fiat, but don't want to get into financing? How about hiring a consortium and purchasing your vehicle without interest and with installments that fit in your pocket? So, find out how to apply for your Fiat consortium and learn about its advantages.


Fiat Consortium: much easier to hire than you might think

Ande de carro 0Km com o consórcio Fiat e tenha diversas opções de veículos. Fonte: Fiat.
Drive 0Km with the Fiat consortium and have several vehicle options. Source: Fiat.

If you still don't know how to apply for the Fiat consortium, you don't know what you're missing. The consortium of the Italian automaker is one of the most famous in the automobile market, in addition to offering unmissable advantages for its thousands of consortium members. 

To join the Fiat consortium, you can opt for two plans: New and Top of the Line. Both are great plans that will help you with conditions that fit your conditions, as the company says. It is worth remembering that there are up to 100 months to pay and letters of credit with attractive values.

So, to stay on top of all opportunities, follow our article!


Car Consortium


Safe great deadline

Riding a Fiat 0Km has never been so easy. Get your interest-free Fiat consortium!

You will be redirected to another website

schedule call

Afinal, como solicitar meu consórcio? Fonte: Adobe Stock.
After all, how to apply for my consortium? Source: Adobe Stock.

Fiat provides a series of contacts via phone call to its customers, through these channels it is possible to ask questions about prices, processes or even to book a physical service.

To do so, contact Fiat via WhatsApp (31) 2123-6000 for faster service and in an environment already familiar to the app. 

Or, call the number 0800 707 1000 to ask questions and make appointments through Confiat's services.


Request visit

Visits to Fiat dealerships are available throughout the market's business hours. To access the service, just go to a unit and ask to know the consortium. 

It is worth remembering that Fiat asks that, even when registering via the website, the customer goes to an agency to complete the process of joining the consortium.

Upon arriving at the dealership and informing the reason for the visit, the company takes the customer to the sector responsible for the consortia. Where professionals will present the most viable and advantageous proposals for the client.

Request via app

Fiat has a new application for owners of the latest and most technological models of the brand. However, it boils down to services related to the car itself and not the company's commercial service. 

In this case, if you want an online service, you will need to enter the automaker's official website and request the service you want. From there, the platform should tell you what's available to you.

Caixa consortium or Fiat consortium: which one to choose?

Well, the Fiat consortium is a great option, but can it compete head-on with other proposals on the market? Just below we have a comparison chart that will help you draw your own conclusions about which one is most suitable for your case. 

Here we have a scenario in which Caixa offers a greater diversity of car types than Fiat. Understand that we are referring to the possibility of being able to buy even an aircraft in the Caixa consortium, however the payment period is shorter. 

So, if you just want to buy a simple or popular car, the Fiat consortium may be the best option due to the extended payment period. Moreover, both do not charge interest and offer good conditions to their customers.

Box fiat
Minimum Incomenot informednot informed
Interest rateExempt Exempt
Deadline to payUp to 80 monthsUp to 100 months
Where to use the creditPurchase of cars, motorcycles, medium and large vehicles (boats, aircraft, etc.)Purchase of cars, motorcycles and medium-sized vehicles
BenefitsNegotiation power, credit in hand, changes in the installment valueDiversity of models, more time to pay and affordable installments
Characteristics of consortia

How to apply for Caixa car consortium

Learn how to apply for the Caixa consortium and purchase cars, motorcycles, medium and large vehicles. Learn more here!

About the author  /  Marina Poncio

Graduated in Financial Management from UNOPAR. Acted as manager of large multinational companies. He is currently dedicated to editing, planning and producing content for the web specializing in economics and finance.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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