
How to apply for the Will Bank Basic card

The Will Bank Basic card has free annual fees and access to the Mastercard Surpreenda program. Continue reading and discover the step-by-step instructions for requesting this financial product.


Will Bank Basic: request your card now

Saiba como solicitar seu cartão Will Bank Básico. Fonte: Will Bank.
Find out how to request your Will Bank Basic card. Source: Will Bank.

Will Bank was created to simplify the financial lives of many people. In other words, since 2017 this fintech has been working to offer the most simplified services for you. For example, with the Will Bank Basic card, you don't need to pay an annual fee.

Furthermore, the card has international coverage and also participates in the Mastercard Surpreenda points program. Therefore, in today's article, we will show you step by step how to apply for Will Bank Basic. Continue reading and find out more!


Credit card

Will Bank Basic

International MasterCard

ZERO annual fee, free digital account and Mastercard Surpreenda program.

You will be redirected to another website

Order online

Solicitar o cartão de forma online ou pelo aplicativo é muito fácil. Fonte: Pexels.
Requesting the card online or through the app is very easy. Source: Pexels.

Firstly, we have the option of applying for the Will Bank card online. That is, via the bank's website. To do this, just follow the steps below:

  • Access the Will Bank website;
  • Click on “Join”;
  • Fill in basic information such as full name, CPF and email;
  • Ask for your card.

Therefore, you can quickly and simply make the request. After that, just wait for Will Bank to analyze your profile. After approval, you can now start using the card and account.


Request via phone

Unfortunately, it is not possible to contact Will Bank by phone. Therefore, the only way to get in touch is through the website form or by email. However, it will not be possible to request your card there. 

Request by app

Finally, the simplest way to request your Will Bank card is directly through the app. In this sense, just download the app and make the request. Soon after approval, you will be able to operate your account and make purchases using your credit card.

Superdigital Card or Will Bank Basic Card: which one to choose?

Finally, now you know all the details of the Will Bank Basic card. But if you're still in doubt, we'll present you with a second option. The Superdigital credit card also has zero annual fees and international coverage. Furthermore, the biggest advantage is that the institution does not consult the SPC or Serasa to approve profiles. Therefore, it can be very simple to get credit approval. See all the differences below.

Superdigital CardBasic Will Bank Card
minimum incomeNot Requirednot informed
BenefitsMastercard Surprise;
No consultation with SPC or Serasa.
Application to manage expenses;
Mastercard Surprise.
card features

How to apply for the Superdigital credit card

Learn how to request the Superdigital card without consulting SPC and Serasa!

About the author  /  Leticia Maia

Journalism student at UFSC, has always been passionate about writing. In the middle of college, he met digital marketing and was enchanted. She is a content producer for blogs and social networks.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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