
How to apply for the Caixa Gold card

With the Caixa Gold card, the customer has numerous advantages such as international coverage and the bank's exclusive points program. However, to apply, you must go to one of the Caixa branches. Learn more here.


Caixa Gold: see how easy it is to request yours

Afinal, como solicitar o cartão Caixa Gold? Fonte: Caixa Econômica Federal.
After all, how to apply for the Caixa Gold card? Source: Caixa Econômica Federal.

First, the Caixa Gold card is one of the credit card options offered by Caixa Econômica Federal. Therefore, ordering is simple. However, it is not possible to perform online. Therefore, the customer just needs to go to a branch or nearest bank correspondent.

So, check here the step by step on how to make this request and the necessary documents.


Credit card

gold box

International Visa

International coverage, Vai de Visa program and Caixa points program.

You will be redirected to another website

Order online

Therefore, the Caixa website only has general information on how the card works, benefits and requirements. However, the bank itself informs that to apply it is necessary to appear in person at an agency or bank correspondent.

In addition, the documents required to apply for the card are:

  • Identity;
  • CPF;
  • Proof of income;
  • Proof of address.

Request via phone

Afinal, utilize os canais de atendimento Caixa para esclarecer qualquer dúvida sobre a solicitação do seu cartão. Fonte: Pixabay.
After all, use the Caixa service channels to clarify any doubts about your card application. Source: Pixabay.

It is not possible to carry out the application process over the phone. However, if in doubt, call:

  • Capitals and metropolitan regions: 4004 0104;
  • Other locations: 0800 104 0104 .

Request by app

Just like the website or phone, you cannot request the Caixa Gold card through the app. Therefore, the cashier application will be very useful later on for the customer to manage their card.

Caixa Mais card or Caixa Gold card: which one to choose?

In addition to Caixa Gold, it is possible to find other options at the bank. Therefore, Caixa aims to serve the different customer profiles served by the bank. So, if you've come this far and still have doubts about which card is the best, get to know Caixa Mais.

Caixa Mais CardCaixa Gold Card
Annuity12x of R$ 17.2512x of R$17.25
minimum incomenot informednot informed
BenefitsPoints Program and Elo FlexVisa Points and Voucher Program
But, after all, what are the characteristics of the cards?

How to apply for the Caixa Mais card

Caixa's international card with exclusive benefits from the Elo brands. Find out how to order yours here.

About the author  /  Marina Poncio

Graduated in Financial Management from UNOPAR. Acted as manager of large multinational companies. He is currently dedicated to editing, planning and producing content for the web specializing in economics and finance.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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