
How to apply for the BV Livre card

The BV livre card is the only BV zero annuity credit card that also has international coverage and exclusive benefits. Learn here how to apply for the card through the website or application.


BV Livre: apply quickly and without bureaucracy

Aprenda a solicitar o seu cartão BV Livre. Fonte: Banco BV.
Learn how to apply for your BV Livre card. Source: Banco BV.

In addition to providing the BV Livre card and other services with many benefits for customers, Banco BV also understands that speed and ease in processes in general should be a priority.

Therefore, we are going to show you two possible ways to apply for your card and in a few days you will receive an approval response for your application. Therefore, the request for the BV Livre card can be made through the app or website, in a simple, quick and bureaucratic way.

In this sense, the main thing to do when contacting one of the means is to provide the correct information to the Bank. This will avoid setbacks that cause the approval response to delay.

Anyway, all this and much more we will tell you in this content. So stay until the end so you don't miss anything and learn how to apply for the BV Livre card!


Credit card

Free BV

International Visa

ZERO annual fee, international coverage and exclusive discounts with BV partners.

You will be redirected to another website

Order online

Mas, afinal, como solicitar o cartão BV Livre online? Fonte: Pexels.
But, after all, how to apply for the BV Livre card online? Source: Pexels.

You can request your BV Livre card using the BV Cards bank website and choosing the card you want. So, see how to proceed using step by step:

  • Access the website and go to the BV Livre option; 
  • Click order now;
  • At this point you will be redirected to the request site;
  • Within it you will have to fill in the BV form;
  • Provide your personal and residential information;
  • Remember to put all the updated information;
  • After that, your request will be complete.

Ready! Did you see how simple it is to apply for the BV Livre card? After carrying out this entire process, your request will reach the bank's staff so that they can review your request.

It is informed by the bank that the analysis process can take up to 5 days, however it usually takes less time. Therefore, once the financial analysis of your data has been carried out, you will receive a response regarding the approval of the application by phone or email. 


Request via phone

It is not possible to request the BV Livre card by contacting the BV call center via landline or cell phone. But you can contact us to solve your doubts. To do this, just call:

  • Capitals and metropolitan regions: 3003-7728;
  • Other locations: 0800-777-2828.

These are the numbers available on the Banco BV website, which is responsible for carrying out the calls that aim to resolve doubts about financial products, such as the BV Livre card.

Therefore, you can use these numbers and contact the bank's attendants to answer your questions.

Request by app

Solicite o cartão pelo aplicativo BV, rápido e seguro. Fonte: Banco BV.
Apply for the card through the BV app, fast and secure. Source: Banco BV.

If you already have an account at Banco BV, you will probably already have the bank application installed on your cell phone. If you don't have it, just go to the official store of your cell phone and download it. Once this is done, with the BV app you will have access to various features of your account quickly and easily.

In addition, you can also easily apply for your BV Livre card. What's more, the procedure is very similar to the one on the website.

That is, when entering the app, the user will have access to the various cards offered by the bank. So, just go to BV Livre and proceed with the request. After that, we will go through the form process, where we have to provide the necessary information to carry out the registration.

Finally, just wait until you receive the approval response for your credit card application.

Single BV Card or Free BV Card: which one to choose?

Have you come this far and still in doubt if BV Livre is the best choice? Don't worry, Banco BV has taken care to have a credit card service available that caters to different audiences, such as the BV Único card. Learn how to order yours by accessing the recommended content below.

Single BV CardFree BV Card
Annuity12x of R$ 59.90
Exempt if you spend R$ 10,000/month
minimum incomenot informednot informed
FlagVisa Infinitevisa gold
BenefitsCashback and annual fee discountsVai de Visa program and purchase protection
Comparative characteristics of the BV Único and BV Livre cards

How to apply for the BV Único card

With BV Único, you can count on a cashback program, annuity discounts and international coverage.

About the author  /  Marina Poncio

Graduated in Financial Management from UNOPAR. Acted as manager of large multinational companies. He is currently dedicated to editing, planning and producing content for the web specializing in economics and finance.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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