
How to apply for BS2 card step by step

Learn step by step how to apply for a BS2 bank credit card.


BS2 card features

Aprenda o passo a passo de como fazer o pedido de solicitação do cartão de crédito do banco BS2.

The BS2 bank decided, due to the advancement of the internet, to create its entire business in the digital market.

If you are looking for a card that is free of annual fees and, even more, has international coverage, know that this card is one of the best options on the market for you.

Since the bank is completely digital, it seeks to offer all its customers greater practicality and ease when using the benefits of the card.

These are just some of the main features of the card.

See below how to apply for your card.

Order online

First of all, create a bank account, as you will not be able to order your card if you are not an account holder.

So, since you need to have your account made, you need to have your personal documents in hand, so that, in this way, you can make your account.

After passing your digital data to the bank, your card will soon be ready to be used.


Contact number

If you have any questions about the card or how to order it, please contact the following number:

  • Ombudsman: 0800 726 8889

This number will be open from Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 6 pm.


credit card


International Visa flag

Banco BS2 has been growing a lot and offers the public a very versatile card.

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About the author  /  Gustavo Cezar

Business student and investor. He works as a content producer and director, as well as a copywriter for several agencies and projects. He writes mostly about finance and investments, encouraging quality financial education for his readers.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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