
How to apply for the BMG Multi card

The BMG Multi payroll credit card is the ideal alternative for retirees or INSS pensioners. Read this article and learn how to order yours!


BMG Multi: apply and enjoy exclusive benefits

O cartão tem ainda vantagens para quem faz portabilidade do benefício. Fonte: BMG.
The card also has advantages for those who carry out the portability of the benefit. Source: BMG.

Having a credit card is synonymous with freedom. And for INSS retirees and pensioners, there is the option of taking out a payroll loan. Therefore, BMG Multi credit card can be a great option.

First, the card is part of the Mastercard Surprise program. Secondly, BMG bank itself has a point program with cashback. Finally, one of the best advantages is that they approve the credit even with a low score. Read the article and see how to order yours!


Credit card

BMG Multi

International MasterCard

Have the BMG Multi card with exclusive benefits for retirees and pensioners.

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Order online

It is not possible to apply for the BMG Multi card online. However, it is possible to open your account through the official website. Thus, you start the application process, since it is necessary to have an account and port your benefit to it.


Request via phone

It is also not possible to apply over the phone. However, if any problem occurs while using the card, the BMG bank makes the call center available through the following numbers:

  • WhatsApp/Cell Phone: 4002 7007;
  • Landline phone: 0800 770 1790.

It should be noted that the service is available 24 hours a day.

Request by app

O cartão é exclusivo para quem recebe o benefício no BMG. Fonte: Pexels.
The card is exclusive to those who receive the benefit at BMG. Source: Pexels.

To request your BMG Multi card in the app, you must already have a digital account, as well as portability the benefit to it. That way, you can access it and ask for your card. After this process, the credit analysis takes place. In case of approval, the physical card is sent to your address.

Caixa Consignado card or BMG Multi card: which one to choose?

Now that you know the BMG Multi credit card, let's show you the Caixa payroll card. This card has similar benefits. However, credit analysis is much simpler. This is because Caixa does not carry out consultations with the SPC or Serasa. See more details in the table below.

Payroll BoxBMG Multi
minimum incomenot informednot informed
BenefitsLink Flex BenefitsMastercard Surprise
But, after all, what is the best card?

How to apply for the Payroll Card

Caixa payroll card is excellent for INSS beneficiaries and civil servants, with advantages in the rate and credit limit. Check out!

About the author  /  Leticia Maia

Journalism student at UFSC, has always been passionate about writing. In the middle of college, he met digital marketing and was enchanted. She is a content producer for blogs and social networks.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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