Government Aid

How to apply for the Best Youth Program

The Melhor Jovem Program is offered in some schools in Rio de Janeiro. To learn how to apply for the aid, continue reading this article!


Apply now for the Best Youth Program

Descubra como se inscrever para o Programa Melhor Jovem. Fonte: Pexels.
Find out how to apply for the Best Youth Program. Source: Pexels.

The Melhor Jovem Program was created by the government of the State of Rio de Janeiro. Therefore, its main objective is to prevent young people from dropping out of school. This is because many teenagers leave school to work and look for support for the family.

In this way, Melhor Jovem offers annual savings with benefits for those who finish high school. The amounts are between R$700 and R$1,000, and the total amount can only be withdrawn if the student completes High School. In addition, for young people who take ENEM, there may also be a benefit. As well as a 4-year Vocational Education course.

In addition, the Melhor Jovem Program focuses mainly on removing adolescents from situations of social vulnerability. In other words, extreme poverty. In this sense, education has a transformative role in changing the future of a family. So, continue reading and learn more about this program.

How to register for the Best Youth Program?

Afinal, como se cadastrar no programa? Fonte: Pexels.
After all, how to register for the program? Source: Pexels.

In short, to register for the Melhor Jovem Program, you need to contact the Secretary of Education of the State of Rio de Janeiro. However, you must attend your school first. Well, there you can find out if your school is part of the program. Also, remember that you need to meet some prerequisites:

  • Be at least 18 years old;
  • Be enrolled in the state network;
  • Present yourself in a situation of extreme poverty;
  • The family must be registered in CadÚnico.

How to participate in the program?

Finally, to participate in the program, simply register. After that, the student must follow the rules to avoid exclusion from the Melhor Jovem Program. Among the items that can lead to the exclusion of the student, we have:

  • Failure in High School;
  • Information fraud in CadÚnico registration;
  • Termination by voluntary act;
  • Improper inclusion;
  • Unjustified absence from the annual SAERJ test (Education Assessment System of the State of Rio de Janeiro);
  • Not carrying out two-thirds of the bimonthly state evaluations;
  • Do not carry out at least two bimonthly state evaluations.

So, by complying with these rules, and also completing high school often enough, the family is already participating. 

In fact, to participate in the Melhor Jovem Program, the family must be registered with Bolsa Família. But, the government has already launched a substitute aid for Bolsa, Auxílio Brasil. In this other article, we talk all about this benefit. Check out!

Get to know the Brazil Aid benefit

Learn all about the new Bolsa Família substitute.

About the author  /  Leticia Maia

Journalism student at UFSC, has always been passionate about writing. In the middle of college, he met digital marketing and was enchanted. She is a content producer for blogs and social networks.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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