
How to enroll in iPED courses

The free iPED courses are great for those who want to keep up to date in their area of expertise and, therefore, strengthen their curriculum. To learn more about the courses and how to enroll, just continue reading.


Always be up to date in your area of expertise and differentiate your resume

Antes de mais nada, veja como se inscrever nos cursos. Fonte: Freepik / iPED.
First of all, see how to register for courses. Source: Freepik / iPED.

Free iPED courses are a great option for those who want to gain knowledge without paying monthly fees. 

With an innovative methodology and professors who are experts in their respective areas of knowledge, iPED courses guarantee student learning.




Free Online

Enroll in the free iPED courses and boost your professional career!

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So, you're curious and want to know how to enroll in iPED courses, to always be up-to-date in your field? So come with us and check out more information!

What are the requirements to take the free iPED courses?

Em resumo, saiba aqui os requisitos para fazer os cursos gratuitos. Fonte: Freepik.
In summary, find out here the requirements to take the free courses. Source: Freepik.

There are not many requirements to take iPED courses. You just need to be literate, have access to the internet, a device such as a notebook, desktop or tablet to take the courses.

Also, they can be made according to your time availability.


How to enroll in iPED?

Por fim, saiba como fazer sua inscrição nos cursos gratuitos. Fonte: Freepik.
Finally, learn how to register for free courses. Source: Freepik.

To enroll in iPED courses, first, you must choose the free course that you will start studying, and then click on “student access”, and inform your CPF, register a password and an email. Soon after, you will have access to the classes and you will be able to start the course.

But, if you prefer, you can hire the institution's unlimited plan. For R$ 33.90, you will have unlimited access to all courses on the platform. To do this, just open the official iPED website, make the payment and choose the course that will start your studies.

On the other hand, if you want to know about other courses available on the market, access our recommended content below and see the free options offered by Samsung. Check out!

Alto de um prédio com o letreiro da Samsung e o céu no fundo

Samsung free courses

If you want to specialize in technology, be sure to learn more about the free courses that Samsung is releasing, check them out here!

About the author  /  Maria Luisa Barbosa

Advertising with extensive experience in creating content for the web. I've been writing about finance for over a year in order to help you have a better financial experience. In my spare time, I'm a pet mom, art and fashion lover. Pleasure Malu! (:

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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