
How to sign up for Buy is Good, Take is Better? See the process

Registration for the program is now open and it's very simple to do! Just fill out some forms and you can already be invited to participate! Find out more details here.


Join the board and renovate your home

Saiba como participar desse quadro! Fonte: Freepik.
Learn how to participate in this painting! Source: Freepik.

Knowing how to sign up for Buy is Good, Take is Better can give you the chance to take home the products you want.

In short, the board provides a fun and exciting experience that gives attendees the chance to take home Havan products.


TV program

Buy Good Take Better

Nice Sunday SBT

See how to participate and take home R$ 80 thousand in Havan products!

You will be redirected to another website

So, if you want to try this experience, know that it is easy to apply for the program.

Therefore, in this article, we will explain how to subscribe to the Buy is Good, Take is Better board! 

What are the requirements to apply to the board?

In summary, the program has no strict requirements to participate, a family just needs to know how to enroll in Buy is Good, Take is Better to be a part of. 

In addition, enrollment is free of charge and registrants receive all the necessary data for the program.


How to sign up for Buy is Good, Take is Better?

Now you can check out the steps to learn how to sign up for the Domingo Legal board.

Register on the SBT website

First, to subscribe to the Buy is Good, Take is Better framework, you must register on the SBT website. 

Namely, through this channel you must provide basic information about your family, such as name, address and contact information. 

Tell us about your family history

In addition, you should also tell the production a little about your family history. 

Therefore, share remarkable moments and what motivated you to seek this opportunity. 

Also, if possible, make the story special and emotional so that the production can get to know your family better.


Fill in the registration form

Finally, after creating your registration, you must fill out the registration form. 

Namely, the application form is simple and straightforward. You must provide basic information about your family, such as name, address, age and contact details. 

In addition, you must also answer some questions about your interest in participating in the program.

Buying is Good, Taking is Better or Those Who Take Risks Win More: which is the best option?

Conheça também este quadro! Fonte: SBT.
Check out this painting too! Source: SBT.

In addition to the Buy is Good, Take is Better program, which allows a family to take home products they want, the Quem Arrisca, Ganha Mais board is also a great opportunity to take home desired products.

Namely, it also passes on Legal Sunday, but works from pairs. Thus, they receive several challenges to win R$ 100 thousand in products from the mega store Havan.

If you liked this award, check out in the following post how to subscribe to the Who Risks, Wins More board!

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How to subscribe to Quem Arisca Ganha Mais?

Check out the steps and learn the requirements to enter this framework!

About the author  /  Leticia Jordan

Hello! I have a degree in Marketing and ended up discovering my passion in the area of content production! Today I have experience writing about digital marketing and personal finance where I always focus on delivering the information that the public needs most.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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