
How to subscribe to the Renewed Beauty? See the process

From this framework, you can increase your self-esteem with the transformation that several beauty experts do in your look! Find out how to apply here.


Sign up and get a chance to transform your look

Participe e mude sua aparência! Fonte: Freepik.
Join and change your appearance! Source: Freepik.

The Renewed Beauty program is a great life-changing experience for women. Therefore, many people want to learn how to enroll in the Renewed Beauty.

Namely, this painting is shown on Eliana's Program every Sunday, where it helps a woman increase her self-esteem and self-confidence through a transformation in her appearance.


TV program

Renewed Beauty

Benefits SBT

Boost your self-esteem and transform your look with the help of professionals!

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In the program, women meet several beauty professionals and also receive psychological counseling. Thus, your beauties are enhanced from the inside out.

So, if you want to know how to sign up for Beleza Renovada, just continue with us in this post and check out how registration works below.

What are the requirements to apply to the board?

First of all, before knowing how to enroll in Beleza Renovada, it is essential that you know the main requirements to participate in the program.

Therefore, as the program aims to increase women's self-esteem, it is possible to find few criteria to enter.

Thus, the only requirement necessary to enter the program is to be over 18 years old. With that, you can now participate and have your beauty completely renewed by the painting.

How to subscribe to the Renewed Beauty?

Now the time has come to learn how to enroll in the Renewed Beauty! For this, we separate below the main steps of registration for the program.

Sign up for SBT

First, you need to register with SBT. In this sense, you only need to access the SBT portal and add some basic information to create your profile on the portal.

Complete the board registration form

With registration done, the second step to find out how to enroll in Beleza Renovada is to fill in the form on the board.

Namely, in this form you must tell about yourself, your story and why you should participate in the board.

Also, you can mention what bothers you the most about your appearance and why you decided to participate in the program.

Submit your photos to finish

Finally, the last step on how to enroll in Beleza Renovada is to send photos of the future participant.

Therefore, the form allows you to send a photo of your face and another of your body.

That way, by choosing and uploading the photos to the website, you can already complete your registration.

So, just wait for the program team to contact you so you can receive your transformation!

Renewed Beauty or Who Takes the Risk Wins More: which is the best option?

Se você quer renovar seus itens em casa, precisa conhecer esse quadro do Domingo Legal! Fonte: Pexels.
If you want to renew your items at home, you need to know this painting from Domingo Legal! Source: Pexels.

In addition to Beleza Renovada, there are several other SBT programs and frames that you can participate in.

In this way, a very famous scene that takes place on the Domingo Legal program is Quem Arisca Ganha Mais!

Namely, based on this chart, participating pairs can earn up to R$ 100,000 in products at Havan.

But, to win, they need to go through a series of challenges that can make them risk some products on the list to continue with others.

In this way, the winning duo receives the final prize and thus can purchase several Havan items to take home.

I like this program and want to know how to participate in it? So check out the full step-by-step in the post below to sign up!

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How to subscribe to Quem Arisca Ganha Mais?

100% online application with only 3 steps to apply!

About the author  /  Leticia Jordan

Hello! I have a degree in Marketing and ended up discovering my passion in the area of content production! Today I have experience writing about digital marketing and personal finance where I always focus on delivering the information that the public needs most.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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