Government Aid
See how to register for Happy Child
Quickly understand everything you need to do to register for Happy Child. See the prerequisites you need to meet in this post.
Step by step on how to participate in Happy Child
This government program is very good for low-income families. If this is your case, you are in the right place to understand how to register for Criança Feliz.
In addition to the step-by-step, we will also explain all the prerequisites that need to be met if you want to participate in Criança Feliz.
We will explain all the documentation you need to register for Happy Child. Don't worry, at the end of this post you will know everything about the registration.
Senhor Panda demonstrates everything about how to register for Happy Child. To learn the next steps you need to do, just keep reading the article.
What are the prerequisites to participate in this program?
First of all, if you really want to be part of Criança Feliz, keep in mind that there are some prerequisites. Let's go to them:
The child must be a maximum of 6 years old. Remember that the goal is to help with early childhood development. In addition, it is also necessary that:
- The family proves to have low income;
- If you are pregnant, you must prove the pregnancy;
- You must complete the Single Registration.
If you understood the prerequisites, you are now ready to see how the registration is done. Keep reading.
How to register for Happy Child?
The good news about registering to participate in Criança Feliz is that all prerequisites are met from CadÚnico.
Below, you will see the step by step to register.
Go to the Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS), with these documents:
- CPF;
- RG;
- Proof of address;
- Birth and marriage certificate;
- Voter title;
- Workbook.
It is important to take the documents of all the people in the family group for the registration to be carried out.
Afterwards, you just need to wait until new vacancies to participate in the program are opened. You may be contacting the CRAS for this.
Through the Single Registry, you can obtain many other benefits from the government, such as the Gas Aid.
By the way, check out the post below and understand everything about this assistance program.
About the author / Felipe Silverio
Reviewed by / Junior Aguiar
Senior Editor
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