Government Aid
See how to register for Youth Action
See what the requirements are and what you need to do to register for Ação Jovem in this post!
Check out how to register for the program
Ação Jovem is a very important program that the state of São Paulo created. It helps you earn money while studying. Here you will understand how to register with Ação Jovem.
There are some requirements you need to meet to be part of Ação Jovem. They will be explained and you must complete them all.
It will also be explained what you need to do to be able to receive aid for the maximum duration of the program, which is 2 years.
Continue reading and discover in 5 minutes how to register with Ação Jovem and start receiving the benefit.
What are the prerequisites to participate in this program?
Firstly, you must have the Single Registry, this is the most important requirement and it must be updated for at least 24 months.
In addition, the student must be between 15 and 24 years of age to participate.
Finally, your income is very important, it cannot exceed half the minimum wage per person in your household.
Just to illustrate, if there are 6 people who live at your address, two of whom work and earn 1 minimum wage, they can participate in the program.
Well, the household income is R$ 2,604.00, but per person it is R$ 434.00.
How do I register with Ação Jovem?
Registering for the Youth Action Program is very simple. You will need to go to the Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS) to update your household income.
After it has been updated, you need to wait, as the Single Registry is the way the government determines which young people will receive the money.
You can contact the service portal via number 156, or speak to the employee who assists you at CRAS.
Another government aid that helps with a person's development is Criança Feliz, which provides full support for child development. See the article below to understand more.
Discover the Happy Child program
If you are looking for government programs to register with, Criança Feliz is one that you cannot miss. Check out everything about him here.
About the author / Felipe Silverio
Reviewed by / Junior Aguiar
Senior Editor
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