
How to make real money online

Currently, more and more people are turning to the internet to earn a living. But does it really work? That's what we're going to answer in this article. Keep reading and check it out!


Start making a living from the internet with these tips

Vamos te dar algumas dicas para ganhar dinheiro de verdade na internet. Fonte: Pexels.
We'll give you some tips for making real money on the internet. Source: Pexels.

With the advancement of technologies, more and more people are working directly with the internet. But how to make real money online? This is not such an easy task.

This is because it takes a lot of consistency and work. Mainly because the internet works at a much faster pace. Therefore, you need to be present in many places and make a lot of effort.

But even so, it is possible to earn good results by working with the internet. In addition to ensuring your family's livelihood. Therefore, in today's article we will give you some good tips to understand how to make money online. Check out!

Make real money online: 5 ideas for you

Veja algumas formas de ganhar dinheiro de verdade na internet. Fonte: Pexels.
See some ways to make real money on the internet. Source: Pexels.

Firstly, it is important to highlight that working with the internet has become increasingly common. In fact, with the pandemic and remote work, this trend has only intensified.

This is because working with the internet gives you many freedoms. For example, the geographic freedom of being able to work anywhere. Additionally, many online jobs end up paying better than conventional jobs.

Therefore, more and more people are looking for these new ways of working. Whether in the area itself, or in new areas that are not yet professionalized. See below some tips on how to make real money online!


1. Video editor

In short, making money online as a video editor can be a great option. This is because it is not necessarily necessary to have some college. Furthermore, if you are not yet familiar with the software, there are several online course options.

Therefore, you can learn quickly, even on YouTube. And in a short time you will be making your deliveries and earning money. In this sense, a video editor is responsible for not only editing the video. But also carry out the image processing and also the soundtracks.

So, if you think you're a good fit for a video editor, we'll tell you a few important things to get you started. 

Firstly, if you are not yet familiar, get to know the tools. Some of the most famous are Adobe Premiere, Sony Vegas and Final Cut. Therefore, choosing one of these depends largely on the personal taste of each editor.

Additionally, you can be a fixed or freelance video editor. In general, in both cases you will choose your work online. In other words, you need to know how to sell your work. This can be done through your portfolio.

Therefore, to get good jobs as a video editor it is essential to build a portfolio. Only with this will you show your material to potential customers.

How to earn money watching videos

Do you want to know how to make money online by watching videos? In this article we will introduce you to some applications that allow you to do this. Read the post and find out!

2. Online store

With the pandemic, many people who had physical stores ended up moving to the online format. Therefore, many ecommerce platforms have grown a lot. For example, Nuvemshop, Shopify and even places to create a marketplace, such as Shopee and Mercado Livre. 

Therefore, online stores have become a great option for those who want to make real money online. In other words, if you have an item to sell, you can place it in these stores and have much more reach.

Therefore, if you want to create an online store, the first step is to choose what to sell. A good tip is to think of something that is missing in the market, a niche that is not as explored. Or something you already have, but you do differently.

Furthermore, focus a lot on the quality of your products and service. All of this influences the success of your online business. 

After deciding on the niche, if you still have doubts, you can start by structuring the online store. Therefore, select a server to host the website with a good cost-benefit ratio. Together, display your products in a pleasant way for customers.

Finally, for an online store, it is essential to focus on advertising. Because it is with the marketing of your store that it can become increasingly successful. So, have good advertising strategies!

3. Selling old books

Já pensou em vender seus livros para fazer uma renda extra? Fonte: Pexels.
Have you ever thought about selling your books to make extra income? Source: Pexels.

In short, an old way to make money is to sell items that you have at home and no longer use. In this sense, the internet has become a great intermediary. Therefore, one of our tips is to sell old books.

This is because, currently, there are several platforms available for selling used books. For example, you can sell on Estante Virtual, Sebos Online and even on Mercado Livre and Amazon.

Furthermore, if you have very old books, they may be worth even more. Therefore, this is a great way to make real money online.


4. Travel agent

As well as selling books, being a travel agent is also a well-known profession. In other words, we normally remind agents at companies, in person. However, it is also possible to do this online.

Therefore, you can work both independently and in a travel agency. Basically, the role of a travel agent is to put together a personalized package for each client. 

Furthermore, it is also the agent's role to look for the best options for tickets, hotels and tours.

In short, making money as a travel agent is like being a salesperson. In other words, you receive a commission from each sale. In this sense, this commission can be from the airline, the travel agency or the tours. 

Finally, we recommend this work for anyone who likes to learn the geography of places. In addition, it is very important to enjoy communicating and helping with travel itineraries.

5. Subscription Club

This idea may seem unusual, but it has become very popular on the internet. Therefore, a subscription club offers recurring services or products. For example, there are book clubs where participants receive books monthly.

This way, if you have a product or service to offer, it can be a good source of income. This is because, with the subscription club you can have a fixed monthly income. Even if some customers cancel the service, you can be consistent.

Furthermore, if stability is an important point for you, it may be better to invest in quarterly and semi-annual plans. This way, you guarantee an income for longer.

Furthermore, when pricing your subscription club, remember not to just count the product. In other words, you also need to count shipping, advertising and sales costs. 

So, now you know some ways on how to make real money on the internet. Therefore, it is increasingly possible to earn a living from the comfort of your home.

If you're still more interested in the subject, here's another article about ways to make money in 2022. Keep reading and find out!

7 ideas to make money in 2022

See some tips for making money in this article!

About the author  /  Leticia Maia

Journalism student at UFSC, has always been passionate about writing. In the middle of college, he met digital marketing and was enchanted. She is a content producer for blogs and social networks.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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