
Find out how to guarantee your spot and have the chance to transform your house into a real home

Do you know the Home Sweet Home program? In it, presenter Luciano Huck, renovates family homes with incredible stories to tell. In today's article, we'll show you how you can apply for this program. Look!


Sign up now for Home Sweet Home and make your wish come true

Veja como funciona a inscrição do quadro do Domingão. Fonte: Senhor Panda.
See how the registration for the Domingão board works. Source: Mister Panda.

If you watch television, you're probably familiar with Home Sweet Home. That's why today we're going to show you how the registration for Home Sweet Home works.

This Sunday painting with Luciano that makes the dream of several families around Brazil come true.

In short, this was a picture of Huck's Cauldron. But with the departure of Fausto Silva from Rede Globo, Luciano assumed the role of presenter of Domingão.



Home Sweet Home

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Sign up and participate in the program that renovates your home for free.

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With that, the frames of the old program were moved to Sunday.

Therefore, Lar Doce Lar remains open for registrations for 2023. The production usually seeks out families with exciting stories to be told.

So, there are some tips when it comes to applying and have more chances of being chosen.

In this article, we'll show you how you can apply for Home Sweet Home. See now how it works!

Step by step to sign up for Home Sweet Home

Inscreva seu sonho no Lar Doce Lar. Fonte: Pexels.
Register your dream in Home Sweet Home. Source: Pexels.

Basically, registration for Lar Doce Lar is done directly through the Gshow website. There you can register and also enter your registration.

Or that of another family, as it is also possible to register for another family group.

Therefore, after accessing the website, search for Domingão do Huck and also for the Lar Doce Lar board. On that page, you will find the link to sign up on the board. From there follow the step by step:

  • Register on the Globo platform;
  • Enter full name, date of birth and address;
  • Write a description of your story.

In this third step, it's important to remember that the story needs to be exciting. In general, all families have a story to tell.

So, just focus on the narrative and description of your story.

Remember that she needs to thrill the show's production to be chosen. After completing this part, simply agree to the terms and complete your registration.

Finally, just wait and hope that your story is chosen for you to have your dream home.

So, now you know a little bit about the framework and even discovered how to enroll in Lar Doce Lar.

Together, if you are looking for money to buy your own home, we will also show you The Wall program.

In this program you play a game of questions and answers against a wall and you can get enough money to make your dreams come true.

Learn more in the recommended article below and see how you can apply!

Mulher de óculos usando o notebook em uma cafeteria

How to sign up for The Wall? See the process!

The Wall program may be the chance you've been waiting for to buy your own home. See here how to sign up!

About the author  /  Leticia Maia

Journalism student at UFSC, has always been passionate about writing. In the middle of college, he met digital marketing and was enchanted. She is a content producer for blogs and social networks.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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