
See some tips and download the app

Free app for your battery to last longer. See some tips on how to extend your battery life and at the end of the article download the app.


Check out 5 tips to make your battery last much longer:

The quest to extend cell phone battery life is a constant challenge for many people. That's why we want to help you. We'll give you tips on how to make the battery last longer. 

We even listed the best apps to make your battery last longer.

Why is my battery lasting so little?

A key reason is phone settings draining power: background apps, high brightness, active notifications and location.

Also, it's important to remember that batteries are physical objects and, over time, suffer natural wear. However, even with natural wear and tear, our tips can help extend battery life.

5 Tips for your battery to last longer:

Your cell phone is practically an extension of yourself, and we know how essential it is to keep it running all day long. So, with a few simple tips, you can transform your battery life:

1. Disable cell phone functions

If you want to extend your phone's battery life, start by disabling functions that you are not using. 

Location services, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi are real power hogs. By turning them off when not needed, you'll save precious battery percentages.

2. Turn on power saving mode

Bet on energy saving mode whenever possible! This smart option automatically adjusts your phone's settings to minimize power consumption. 

In this way, you extend the time of use, without compromising the performance of the device. 

But wait, it didn't end there! These two tips already help a lot, but we still have more tricks up our sleeve for you. By the way, be sure to check the last topic to have a battery as if it were new.

3. Turn off background apps and functions

Background apps can suck your battery without you noticing. Regularly check which apps are running in the background and turn off those that don't need to be. 

By doing this, you will have more control over energy consumption and allow your battery to breathe easier, lasting much longer.

4. Use dark mode

Change your cell phone mode to save battery. Source: Adobe Stock

Dark mode is not only stylish, but also an efficient way to save energy. With a black background and clear text, your smartphone requires less energy to light up the screen. 

This tip is especially useful for devices with OLED screens, but it works on any phone, contributing to incredible battery life.

5. Reduce screen brightness

A glossy screen can be one of the biggest culprits when it comes to battery life. Reduce brightness to a level suitable for the lighting conditions around you. 

Not only do you save energy, but also protect your eyes from overstrain. That way, your battery and your health will thank you!

Now you know 5 powerful tips to make your cell phone battery last longer, stay with us and find out how to make your battery last even longer, ensuring an enviable performance.

Meet the app that will make your battery last much longer:

In addition to the power tips we shared earlier, there are apps that can make your battery last longer and take it to another level! 

We're talking about smart tools designed to optimize your mobile's energy consumption.

Finally, discover your battery's potential with these apps! So, click the button below to discover these apps. 



apps for battery life

last battery new battery

Download the app to improve your battery health!

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About the author  /  Rafaela Gregorio

Graduated in Publicity and Propaganda, specialist and lover of Digital. Always looking to develop new skills.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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