
How to send resume to Santander? check here

Want to know how to send resume to Santander? Your CV can be submitted completely online from the Banco Santander website. See in this article how the process is done.


Submit your resume for jobs in up to 17 countries

Veja como enviar seu currículo Fonte: Freepik / Santander.
See how to send your resume Source: Freepik / Santander.

As it is one of the largest banks in the country and provides various benefits to its employees, many people want to learn how to send a resume to Santander.

Today the bank has been operating in Brazil for 40 years, but it also has branches in several countries around the world, where you have the opportunity to gain work experience abroad! 




Open Vacancies good benefits

Opportunities in several areas to work in 17 countries and expand your career!

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For this reason, anyone who wants to pursue a career in the banking sector and grow abroad can find the right opportunity at Santander.

Therefore, in the following post you will learn how to send a resume to Santander and you will see the main requirements to work at the bank!

What are the requirements to work at Santander?

In summary, any company establishes some basic requirements so that the public can find out if they have the ideal profile for the vacancy, and Santander is no different.

But, as the bank has several vacancies in different areas and in many countries, it is not possible to establish a set of general requirements to enter the bank, since in each position you will find different criteria.

However, we decided to list below the main criteria found in Santander vacancies so that you have a better idea of what the bank looks for in its employees.

  • Be at least 16 years old;
  • Complete high school or graduation in the area of interest;
  • Fluent or intermediate English for some vacancies;
  • Knowledge of the financial system;
  • Good communication to carry out calls;
  • Availability to work in the workload of the vacancy;
  • Prior experience in the relevant field;
  • Availability to travel.

In short, all these requirements are more generalized and when looking for vacancies you can find one or another of them in their description.

But, anyway, for those who want to learn how to send a resume to Santander, you need to know some of these requirements in order to highlight the skills you have on your resume.


How to send resume to Santander?

So, sending your resume to Santander bank is very easy to do and you don't even need to leave your home, just follow the step by step below:

  1. Access the bank's Work with Us website;
  2. Click on “Available Vacancies” or “Register your CV”. The latter only for those in the technology area;
  3. Find the vacancy that best fits your current career;
  4. Check the requirements and activities to be done;
  5. Click on the “Apply” button;
  6. Choose one of the options to make your application;
  7. Register on the site when creating your account to apply for a vacancy.

At the end of registration, you can send your resume to the vacancy and then wait until the bank calls you to participate in the selection process.

Santander or Bradesco: which is the best company to work for?

O Bradesco tem mais de 100 vagas abertas para você! Fonte: Pexels.
Bradesco has more than 100 vacancies open for you! Source: Pexels.

In summary, those who would like to work in the banking sector can find opportunities in several Brazilian banks. Also, an option besides Santander is Bradesco bank.

It has existed in Brazil for 80 years and has 107 open positions for you to work in various positions.

In the following post, you will learn more about these positions and you can find out how to send your resume to this bank too!

Mulher com suéter vermelho sentada em frente a um computador

How to send resume to Bradesco?

Check out the open positions and learn about the benefits that only this bank offers!

About the author  /  Leticia Jordan

Hello! I have a degree in Marketing and ended up discovering my passion in the area of content production! Today I have experience writing about digital marketing and personal finance where I always focus on delivering the information that the public needs most.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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