digital account

How to open a Nubank account for minors

The Nubank account for minors is free and offers a debit card with no annual fee and free transfers. The opening of this account is being released gradually. But, it happens completely online from the Nubank app.


Nubank account for minors: quick and easy opening via cell phone

Veja como funciona a abertura dessa conta! Fonte: Nubank.
See how opening this account works! Source: Nubank.

The Nubank account for minors has already been launched and can be accessed by young people. For this, your father, mother or legal guardian must have a bank account and have received notice that the digital account for minors is available.

This account that Nubank launched is an opportunity for young people to start taking better care of their finances. Thus, from it, it is possible for them to have greater contact with money and, in this way, receive financial education from an early age.

open rateExempt
minimum incomenot required
ratesWithdrawal fee of R$ 6.50
credit cardNo
BenefitsMoney save functionality
No-fee debit card
Application to manage purchases
Check account features

digital account

Nubank for minors

free Online

Totally free account that helps young people take care of their finances!

You will be redirected to another website

For this, the account already comes with some features known from the Nubank digital account, such as the function to save money, which helps young people to start the habit of saving every month.

To be able to open this account, you must first obtain authorization from legal guardians. The process can be done completely online, as we are talking about a digital bank. So, to know how this process is done, just continue in this post.

open online

In summary, opening a Nubank Account for minors is a very simple process in which you don't even need to leave your home.

But, at the moment, it is not possible to carry out this action from the official Nubank website. In order to be able to open a Nubank digital account for minors, it is necessary for the father, mother or legal guardian to access their own account in the bank's application.


open via phone

As it is a digital bank, the only way to open an account is through online means, such as its application, which is available for Android and iOS.

Therefore, it will not be possible to open the account from a telephone call. However, if you have any questions about the process, you can contact Nubank's call center at 0800 608 6236 and thus speak with an attendant.

open by application

Finally, the main way to open a Nubank account for minors is from the Nubank application itself.

Therefore, all you have to do is open the application, access your account and find the notice that your underage children can now create a bank account.

By clicking on the notice, just read and agree with the privacy policy, add your son or daughter's data and complete the submission.

With this, you will have authorized your child to have a Nubank account. From here he will receive an email with the invitation to start the account creation process.

Inter Kids digital account or Nubank account for minors: which one to choose?

Veja qual delas é a melhor! Fonte: Inter.
See which one is the best! Source: Inter.

In summary, the Nubank account for minors can be very interesting and easy to use for young people. But, if you didn't like it, know that it is not the only way for teenagers to have a digital account.

Another very interesting digital account option is Inter Kids, which offers a free account, debit card and fixed income investment options so that young people can learn more about how to multiply their money!

If you liked this option, check out the post below on how you can open an Inter Kids digital account for minors! 

Inter Kids digital accountNubank digital account for minors
Minimum Incomenot requirednot required
Monthly costExemptExempt
credit cardNo No
Benefitspersonalized debit card
Fixed income investments
Totally free digital account
Money save functionality
No-fee debit card
Application to manage purchases
See the comparison between the two options

How to open an Inter Kids digital account

See here how the account opening process works!

About the author  /  Leticia Jordan

Hello! I have a degree in Marketing and ended up discovering my passion in the area of content production! Today I have experience writing about digital marketing and personal finance where I always focus on delivering the information that the public needs most.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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