digital account

How to open a Natura Pay account?

The Natura Pay digital account can be opened via the application completely free of charge and free of membership fees. Find out all the details of the opening process here.


Natura Pay account: open the account in the palm of your hand

Veja como abrir a conta pelo aplicativo! Fonte: Natura.
See how to open the account through the app! Source: Nature.

The Natura Pay account is an innovative option that has emerged so that Natura beauty consultants can receive money from their sales in an easier and more practical way.

That way, from the account they can have access to the profit from their sales and a safe and easy-to-use environment, since everything happens in the palm of their hand.

open rateExempt
minimum incomenot informed
ratesR$ 5.90 per withdrawal at Banco24Horas
R$ 5.90 per transfer to other banks
R$ 19.90 per withdrawal on the Cirrus Network
credit cardprepaid only
BenefitsSuperget machine access
Free prepaid credit card
account without monthly fee
These are the main aspects of this account

digital account

Natura Pay

free Online

Free digital account that offers special conditions to have the Superget machine!

You will be redirected to another website

Therefore, if you are a Natura reseller and would like to know how to create a Natura Pay digital account, check the post below for the main channels through which you can open this account.

open online

Natura has a very interesting and intuitive website where you can access various information about products and the reseller program. However, it is not possible to open an account from the website.

In this way, the only way to access the Natura Pay account is from the application that is made available to its beauty consultants.


open via phone

Saiba o que é possível fazer nos canais de atendimento Natura. Fonte: Pexels.
Find out what you can do in Natura's service channels. Source: Pexels.

Nowadays, many banks allow the public to open a digital account by making a phone call, but at the moment this is not the case with Natura.

Therefore, from the company's telephones, you will only be able to solve your doubts and make suggestions or complaints. But opening the digital account can only be done from the app.

open by application

Finally, the only way to open a Natura digital account is through its application, which is available for Android and iOS devices.

In this way, to open an account, all you have to do is download the application on your cell phone, register your personal data and wait until your account is approved.

Just remembering that the account was made for those who are Natura resellers, so it is important that you are already registered as such for your account to be approved.

Nubank account or Natura Pay account: which one to choose?

O Nubank tem uma conta digital bem interessante para você Fonte: Nubank.
Nubank has a very interesting digital account for you Source: Nubank.

Although the Natura Pay account offers several interesting advantages for the Natura product reseller, you may need to access a bank account with more functionalities.

So, it is an interesting option for you to get to know the Nubank digital account. From there, your money in the account yields more than savings and you can make free transfers to all banks.

If you liked the option of the Nubank digital account, check the post below for the complete step-by-step to open it.

Nubank accountNatura Pay account
Minimum Incomenot informednot informed
Monthly costFreeFree
credit cardYesprepaid only
BenefitsIncome money in the account
Have investment options
Have a credit card
Superget machine access
Free prepaid credit card
account without monthly fee
Check out a comparison between the accounts

How to open Nubank digital account

Check out how to access the most famous digital account in Brazil!

About the author  /  Leticia Jordan

Hello! I have a degree in Marketing and ended up discovering my passion in the area of content production! Today I have experience writing about digital marketing and personal finance where I always focus on delivering the information that the public needs most.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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