digital account
How to open an Inter Kids account
Banco Inter offers two options for parents over 18 to open an Inter Kids account for minors, either through the website or the application. In addition, the 100% account is online and free. Continue reading and find out how to open it.
Inter Kids Account: how to open yours
The Inter Kids account is a simple idea developed by Banco Inter and, as usual, it is very simple to open both on the website and also on the bank's own application.
Therefore, we have prepared content that will teach you, step by step, how to easily and quickly open the account of your son, nephew, etc.
The only part of the account opening process that can take extra time is waiting for approval. However, if all the information is correct, it won't take long.
Anyway, let's get to it! See how to open your account below.
open online
The first and most used way to open an Inter Kids account is through the Banco Inter website. Therefore, we prepared a very simple, but very informative step-by-step.
So, here's how to open your account:
- Access the Banco Inter website;
- Go to the option to open a free account;
- Then fill in all the requested information;
- Ready! Now just wait for Inter bank's response.
After submitting your request through the website, it will be sent to the responsible team at Banco Inter so that they can validate and evaluate your request.
Once approved, you will receive an email or phone call informing you that your account has been successfully opened. So after that, just download the app or use internet banking on your computer to connect to your account.
open via phone
Unfortunately, it is not possible to request an account opening over the phone, but you can contact the bank to resolve your queries using the following numbers:
- Capitals and metropolitan areas: 3003 4070;
- Other locations: 0800 940 0007.
open by application
In order to make life even easier for its potential customers, Banco Inter also offers the possibility of opening an account through the app.
Follow the step by step to be able to open your account through the application in a simple way:
- Access the store and download the Inter app;
- After that, open the app;
- Go to the option to open a free account;
- Then fill in and provide all the necessary information;
- Ready! Now just wait for Inter bank's response.
As with the website, opening an account through the application is very simple to carry out. You can do this if you already have an active account on the app. In this sense, just go to the option to change account.
With this you will be able to open another account even with your login. Then you will have access to both your main account and your InterKids account.
Remembering that if the information is not correct, the process may take a little longer than usual. So stay tuned and provide the updated 100% information.
Santander Account or Inter Kids Account: which one to choose?
Have you come this far and don't know if the Inter Kids account is the best option for your child? See the comparison we prepared between the Santander account and Inter Kids. It will help you compare the two and see which one is the best choice!
Santander account | Inter Kids account | |
Minimum Income | not informed | not required |
Monthly cost | R$ 24.00/month | Exempt |
credit/debit card | Yes | Yes |
Benefits | Possibility of exemption from monthly fee | Free deposits via boleto |
How to open Santander account
Open your Santander account and enjoy unlimited withdrawals and transfers, in addition to the possibility of ZERO fees.
About the author / Marina Poncio
Reviewed by / Junior Aguiar
Senior Editor
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