digital account
How to open account
Find out here how to open a Gerencianet account, which is free, digital and also intended for individuals and companies. In addition, she has a credit card with no annual fee. Check out!
Gerencianet Account: 100% free and digital
Among so many offers on the payments market, the Gerencianet account could be just one more, but it brings financial support and security.
In addition, it is full of tools to help with your financial health, in addition to issuing tickets with a fee only after proof of payment, to help with your business.
That's because Gerencianet is an institution focused on managing your business, helping you in your relationship with customers, as well as controlling and managing your finances.
Therefore, in this article, you will learn how to open a Gerencianet account and guarantee all the advantages. Check out!
open online
So, to open a Gerencianet account, you must install the application on your cell phone, because it is not possible to open an account through the website.
Thus, through the application you can make all the movements in your account!
open via phone
Unfortunately, it cannot be opened via telephone, but you can clear all your doubts by calling the Gerencianet Central number, which is 0800 941 2343.
open by application
So, for you to open the Gerencianet account, you must install the application on your mobile device. After that, present your documents and take a photo to confirm age.
Then deposit money, issue charges and make other transactions in your account.
Santander account or Gerencianet account: which one to choose?
Initially, you knew all the information about the Gerencianet account, but if it's still not what you're looking for, don't worry, as there are other digital accounts available, such as the Santander account.
So, check out an informative table below!
Santander account | Net Management Account | |
Minimum Income | not informed | not informed |
Monthly cost | R$ 24 monthly | Exempt |
credit card | Yes | Yes |
Benefits | Unlimited withdrawals and transfers Possibility of exemption from monthly fee | Issuance of bank slip in PDF format or sent by email 100% account digital and free No fee charges |
How to open Santander account
Enjoy the Santander account with unlimited transfers and withdrawals, as well as a credit card with no annual fee under conditions. Learn how to open the account here.
About the author / Joyce Viana
Reviewed by / Junior Aguiar
Senior Editor
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