digital account

How to open MuPay digital account

The MuPay digital account offers several advantages for those who make purchases on the Grupo Muffato network and its opening can be done completely online through the application. Learn more about this process here.


MuPay digital account: open the account without leaving home

Veja como é simples a abertura! Fonte: MuPay.
See how simple opening is! Source: MuPay.

The MuPay digital account is a solution created by Grupo Muffato to offer advantages in purchases made on the network.

Thus, from the account, you can have cashback on purchases and receive change in currencies directly in your digital account balance.

open rateExempt
minimum incomenot informed
ratesTED/DOC transfer: R$ 3.00
Withdrawal: R$ 7.00
Ticket issue: R$ 1.70
credit cardonly virtual
BenefitsCashback on market purchases
Earn your purchase change on the account
Access discounts and free shipping on the network's virtual store
Check features of the MuPay digital account

digital account


free Online

Earn cashback and discounts on purchases and see if your money makes more!

You will be redirected to another website

In this way, you can carry out your market purchases accessing more interesting advantages than in other digital accounts.

If you liked this option, check out in the post below how the process of creating a MuPay digital account works! We already advance that you don't even have to leave the house to perform the opening!

open online

A abertura da conta ocorre de forma totalmente digital! Fonte: Unsplash.
Account opening is completely digital! Source: Unsplash.

As much as the opening of the account happens in a completely digital way, today it is still not possible to open the account on its official website.

The MuPay digital account can only be opened from its application, which is available for both Android and iOS devices.

But, from the official website of the MuPay digital account, you can see the main information and also have access to the links to go to the main app stores and, thus, download the app.

open via phone

In short, the main ways to open a MuPay digital account are through digital channels. Therefore, it is not possible to open an account via a telephone call.

But if you want to talk to a group attendant, you can contact the number 0800 200 8110, which is the SAC of the digital account.

open by application

To make your life easier, the MuPay digital account is opened completely digitally from its official application.

To do this, you just need to download it on your cell phone and register by following the informed steps. Here they will ask for your personal information and photo of your document for security verification.

With that, in just a few minutes and without bureaucracy, you can easily create your MuPay digital account!

Nubank digital account or MuPay digital account: which one to choose?

Saiba o que a conta do Nubank pode oferecer! Fonte: Nubank.
Find out what the Nubank account can offer! Source: Nubank.

As much as the MuPay digital account offers great benefits, there may be the possibility that this option does not offer everything you need in your daily life.

However, there are other digital account options for you to open. One of them, which is the best known, is the Nubank digital account.

From there, your money yields more than savings and you can access a credit card to pay for your purchases in installments.

Therefore, if you liked the Nubank option, check out the following article on how to open this digital account.

Nubank digital accountMuPay digital account
Minimum Incomenot informednot informed
Monthly costFreeFree
credit cardYesonly virtual
BenefitsDiscount when paying in advance
Solve everything through the app
Earn more than savings
Cashback on market purchases
Earn your purchase change on the account
Access discounts and free shipping on the network's virtual store
Check out the comparison of the characteristics of digital accounts

How to open Nubank digital account

See here how easy it is to have this account to enjoy benefits, such as a credit card with no annual fee and much more!

About the author  /  Leticia Jordan

Hello! I have a degree in Marketing and ended up discovering my passion in the area of content production! Today I have experience writing about digital marketing and personal finance where I always focus on delivering the information that the public needs most.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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