digital account

How to open C6 MEI account

You are MEI and need an account to receive your sales and organize your finances. So, open the C6 MEI account and enjoy exclusive benefits, such as exemption from the maintenance fee, as well as a credit card with no annual fee and much more!


C6 MEI account: open yours without leaving home

Saiba detalhes sobre esta conta gratuita. Fonte: C6 Bank.
Learn details about this free account. Source: C6 Bank.

The C6 MEI account is intended for small and medium-sized entrepreneurs. That is, it is necessary to have an active CNPJ to be able to open your bank account.

In addition, this account is suitable for small business owners who cannot pay high fees. So, don't worry about maintenance and membership fees, for example.

Undoubtedly, it can help you boost your sales, as it also offers a card machine, as well as a credit card. Therefore, check here for more details and request the opening of your digital account without bureaucracy!


digital account


free Digital

Free credit card account with no annual fee.

You will be redirected to another website

open online

You can start the account opening process through the C6 Bank website. In other words, when accessing it and clicking on “open your account”, a QR Code is generated. By pointing your phone's camera, you will be directed to the app store. Then, you will have to download the bank app and continue the process through it.


open via phone

There is no way to open a C6 MEI account over the phone, but you can get in touch with questions about it and the process using the numbers below:

  • 3003 6116 (capitals and metropolitan areas);
  • 0800 660 6116 (other locations);
  • (11) 2832 6088 (WhatsApp).

open by application

É pelo aplicativo que garantirá aprovação! Fonte: Unsplash.
It is through the application that will guarantee approval! Source: Unsplash.

We come to the main way to open the C6 MEI account. Then, download the application and click on “open account”. After that, enter a chat with messages from the bank. Enter the CPF first. Soon after, choose the name or nickname that will be called.

After the first step, two options appear on the screen. Then, choose “Open account for my company”. Then inform the company's constitution, as well as the regular CNPJ.

Finally, register the rest of the data and that's it! The account will be opened with account number and agency. Thus, you will be able to carry out bank transactions online and in a few minutes.

Inter PJ account or C6 MEI account: which one to choose?

How about having one more option before you go? Therefore, compare the C6 MEI account with the Inter PJ account and find out which one is ideal for your case!

Inter PJ AccountAccount C6 MEI
open rateExemptExempt
minimum incomenot informednot informed
credit/debit cardYesYes
BenefitsFree withdrawals and transfers;
Free credit card;
100% account opening online.
Credit card with no annual fee;
Free withdrawals and PIX;
Opening process 100% online.
But in the end, which is the best?

How to open Inter PJ account

Free account with free withdrawals and transfers, as well as a debit card with no annual fee. See here how to open yours!

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