Government Aid

Green Basket Project: what is it, who is entitled and how to apply?

Cesta Verde is a project that provides fresh and healthy food to the population. Through it, it is possible to receive baskets with quality fruits and vegetables, promoting a balanced diet. Don't miss the opportunity to ensure nutritious food for you and your family.


Discover how to access healthy eating through the program

Have a healthier diet with this program. Source: Stock

Open the doors to a healthier and more sustainable life with the Green Basket Project! After all, you and your family deserve to have a nutritious diet.

If you are looking for a practical and affordable way to eat well on a daily basis, you have come to the right place. 


Government Program

Single Registration

Basic Basket Food

Click here to register with the Single Registry and receive the benefit of the green basket.

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In this blog, we will explore all the details of this incredible project. In fact, it is revolutionizing the way we feed ourselves and take care of our planet. 

Get ready to be inspired, discover valuable tips and learn about the surprising benefits of the Green Basket Project. Ready to embark on this delicious and transformative journey? So, let's go!

What is the Cesta Verde project?

Discover this initiative from the Brazilian government. Source: Stock

The Green Basket Project is much more than a simple initiative, it is a true food revolution.

This is an innovative program that connects local producers committed to sustainable agriculture directly to conscious consumers.

This way, participants are guaranteed a basket full of high-quality, pesticide-free fruits and vegetables.

By joining the Cesta Verde Project, you will be supporting the local economy and strengthening your own health.

Plus, you'll have access to fresh, tasty food, picked at the right time and delivered straight to your door. 


Government Program

Single Registration

Basic Basket Food

Use CadÚnico to sign up and receive fresh fruits and vegetables.

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How does this government project work?

The Green Basket Project is entirely designed to facilitate access to healthy, fresh and quality food for the population. 

In general, it works the same way in different regions of the country. Firstly, the government selects local producers who grow food sustainably and free from pesticides.

The government then organizes the assembly of green baskets, which are made up of various fresh fruits, vegetables and greens.

And they are made available through distribution points in communities, schools, health centers or other strategic locations.

Who is entitled to the benefit?

Discover how to secure your place in the incredible Cesta Verde Project and have access to healthy eating without complications!

As with other government programs, there are participation criteria you need to be aware of:

  • Families with children up to 6 years old;
  • Families with members who have disabilities;
  • Families with elderly people;
  • Socially vulnerable people;
  • Participants of the Prato Cheio Program;
  • Individuals experiencing food insecurity;
  • Families with an income of up to half the minimum wage per person;
  • Residents in areas covered by the program;
  • Registration in the Single Registry for Federal Government Social Programs.

It is important to highlight that being registered in the Single Registry is essential to guarantee the benefit of food provision. 

How do I sign up for the Cesta Verde benefit?

First of all, to guarantee your participation, pay attention to the requirements:

  • have an income consisting of up to half the minimum wage per family member;
  • have a family income consisting of up to three minimum wages; 
  • have more than three minimum wages, but be linked to social programs.

The first step to requesting the benefit is to be registered in the Single Registry. If not, you can go to a CRAS and complete the procedure to start your journey in the Cesta Verde Program.

However, there are other ways to join the program. For example, being a beneficiary of the Prato Cheio Card Program.


Government Program

Single Registration

Basic Basket Food

Register now and have access to numerous benefits.

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How to receive the Green Basket?

Firstly, receiving the Green Basket at home is an ease that the beneficiaries of this social project have!

You can enjoy fresh farm produce straight to your door. And the best: without worrying about leaving home or standing in line.

Furthermore, it is important to highlight that the Green Basket is delivered in different months. In this way, beneficiaries have access to a more varied and nutritionally balanced diet.

See other benefits: how does Bolsa Família work?

Discover the details of the Brazilian government's best-known program. Source: Stock

First of all, Bolsa Família is a social program that was designed precisely to financially assist low-income families.

After all, it provides for the fight against poverty and promotes social inclusion. The operation of Bolsa Família is simple and efficient.

Families interested in participating in the program must be registered in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government (CadÚnico). Furthermore, they must meet the established criteria.

In addition to financial aid, Bolsa Família offers other important and updated benefits in 2023.

These actions aim to ensure the improvement of families' living conditions and the integral development of their members.

Finally, if you want to know more about the program, access the article below.


Government Program

Bolsa Familia

Aid Social program

Access the full article about the program that helps families financially.

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About the author  /  Rafaela Gregorio

Graduated in Publicity and Propaganda, specialist and lover of Digital. Always looking to develop new skills.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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