
Credit cards most likely to be approved

Those who have been in debt may have difficulties in having a card approved. But there are already options on the market that are easy to approve. Check out!


Check out the main cards with the most chances of approval in the market

Já esteve com dívidas? Saiba quais são os cartões de crédito com mais chances de aprovação! Fonte: Unsplash.
Have you ever been in debt? Find out which credit cards are most likely to be approved! Source: Unsplash.

Have you been in debt in the past and, because of this, can't get a credit card? The good news is that nowadays there are already solutions with excellent credit card alternatives. If you want to know more, then get to know the 3 credit cards with the most chances of approval right now!

1. Next Visa International

Next is a digital bank created by Bradesco, which offers a credit card that is easy to approve. It does not require its account holders to prove their income at the time of their application. In addition, the card has a series of benefits such as a free annual fee and a Visa brand with international coverage. 

Another great advantage is the Mimos Program, a free platform that offers several exclusive discounts or cashback on partner brands. To use it, it is not necessary to collect points, just access the platform and take advantage of the offers. 

Minimum Incomenot informed
BenefitsTreats and cashback program
Emitting bankNext
Next card features

How to apply for Next Visa International

The Next credit card is exclusive to customers who have an account at Banco Next. Therefore, you need to open an account in the application, available for Android or iOS. With the account approved, go to the application: Card > Request Credit Card. After that, just wait for the credit analysis.

How to apply for the Next card

Find out now the exact step by step for you to order the Next card without ado, the process is 100% online.

2. Itaucard Click

Another card that is easy to approve is the Click Itaucard. One of the main advantages is the free annuity. Available under the Platinum Mastercard or Visa flag, even for those who are not Itaú account holders.

But, the best part is that proof of income is not required. This makes Click one of the credit cards with the highest chance of being approved.

Minimum Incomenot informed
FlagMasterCard or Visa
BenefitsBike Itaú discounts, Iphone forever program
Emitting bankItau
Click card features

How to apply for Itaucard Click card

  1. Access the Banco Itaú cards page and select Click Platinum;
  2. Choose the Visa or Mastercard flag;
  3. Go to “Order now”;
  4. Fill in the form and wait for the e-mail with the answer.

How to apply for Itaucard Click Visa Platinum card

Learn how to apply for your Itaucard Click Visa Platinum card with an exclusive application, international Visa brand, discounts and iupp points program.


3. Pan Mastercard Internacional

O Cartão de crédito do Banco Pan na versão básica tem anuidade zero. Fonte: Banco Pan.
The Banco Pan credit card in the basic version has zero annuity. Source: Banco Pan.

If you still want to see other card options, the Senhor Panda team has selected one more for you to check out, the Banco Pan card with no annual fee. If you found the card interesting, find out how to request it here!

Minimum IncomeMinimum wage
BenefitsDeals Club; Mastercard Surprise
Emitting bankpan
Features of the Pan Zero Annuity card

How to apply for your Banco Pan credit card

Find out now the step-by-step process for applying for your Pan bank card, everything can be done 100% via the internet.

About the author  /  Priscilla de Cassia

Graduated in business administration and tax auditor, she has been a freelance writer since 2016 to cultivate her hobby for writing and to earn extra income. Currently, he writes about financial life, credit cards, air miles and travel, as well as curiosities in general.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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