
8 cooperative card options 2022

If you are looking for an international credit card with several advantages, there are several options on the market offered by credit unions. Keep reading and check out the options we brought.


Learn all about the best co-op cards of 2022

Mas, afinal, qual o melhor cartão de cooperativa 2022? Fonte: Pexels.
But, after all, what is the best cooperative card 2022? Source: Pexels.

Now, let's get to know the best cooperative cards in 2022, so you can make the best choice without having to apply for different credit cards more than once because you don't know what services are offered.

So, read on and check it out!

What are the best cooperative cards 2022?

Afinal, confira os cartões de cooperativa. Fonte: Pexels.
After all, check out the cooperative cards. Source: Pexels.

Find out which are the 8 best cooperative cards of 2022.


1. Woop card

First, let's get to know Sicredi's Woop card, which is a credit card that works through a digital account.

So, the Woop digital account has two credit and debit cards available according to the customer's choice, so in the Essential Offer, the customer can request a debit card that will be free and the color of the card is white.

On the other hand, there is the Woop Offer! whose value may vary according to the region and the card is presented in black. For example, in Belo Horizonte, the Woop! it's free.

Among other advantages, the Woop card can be debit or credit, has no minimum income, does not charge an annuity, is international, has approximation payments and you can also choose the best date for payment of the invoice and how much more you use the card. , the higher your limit.

In addition, you get access to Visa brand benefits such as the Vai de Visa Program and also the Boomerang Rewards Program where you can accumulate points and exchange them for discounts in several places based on your purchases.

So, to access the Woop card, you need to open a digital account. Then make the choice for the Woop Offer! and so request your card through the application itself. On the other hand, if the credit option is not yet available, we recommend that you start making recurring transactions in your account so that Woop releases the card.

minimum incomenot required
Rewards Program
After all, how does this card work?

2. Sicredi Black Card

Now, let's get to know the Sicredi Black card, which is one of the products offered by Sicredi.

Firstly, the Sicredi Black card is a financial product offered by the Sicredi institution with exclusive services for customers with greater purchasing power and who are looking for a card that offers more personalized services according to the profile of each customer.

Thus, with Sicredi Mastercard Black you can accumulate points, because for every 1 dollar spent you earn 2 points and the more you use it, the more points you can accumulate and exchange for appliances, electronics, airline tickets, clothing, cashback on your bill or you can transfer points to TudoAzul, Smiles or LATAM Pass partners.

In addition, you guarantee access to all Mastercard Black advantages such as the Mastercard Surprise Program. To do so, all you have to do is register your card on the Mastercard website and you will already be participating.

Among other advantages, the card offers payment by approximation, international coverage, 1 additional card, Travel Insurance, Boingo Wi-Fi for you to access the internet at any time wherever you are, Protected Purchase, Original Extended Warranty Insurance and Protection against theft in ATMs.

So, this card brings a new experience to customers, being a great option if you are looking for security, convenience and comfort in a single credit card.

minimum incomenot informed
Annuitynot informed
Rewards Program
After all, how does this card work?

3. Sicredi Gold Card

Firstly, the Sicredi Gold card also has personalized services for the customer, but with some differences compared to the Black version.

Among the differences between the Black version and the Gold version is the brand, because in the Gold version you have two brand options, Visa or Mastercard, to choose the brand that best meets your expectations regarding the card.

This means that, if you opt for the version with the Mastercard brand, you will enjoy all the advantages of the brand that we mentioned earlier. On the other hand, in the version with the Visa flag, you will be entitled to advantages such as the Vai de Visa Program.

And in addition, it also shares all the other advantages of the Black version of the card, but for an amount that is usually more accessible, as the Black version of credit cards is always the most expensive and with more personalized services.

minimum incomenot informed
Annuitynot informed
FlagMastercard or Visa
Rewards Program
After all, how does this card work?

4. Sicredi Platinum Card

Still on Sicredi, let's now get to know the Sicredi Platinum card.

It is worth noting that the Sicredi Platinum card also shares the same advantages as the Sicredi Gold card with regard to card brands, because you are also entitled to two brand options and, therefore, enjoy programs such as Mastercard Surpreenda and Vai de Visa in the case of the Visa flag.

So, if you choose the Visa flag, you will have access to advantages such as Visa Concierge, Free Valet Restaurants and Shopping Malls, Visa Luxury Hotel Collection which is access to exclusive services in sophisticated hotels and resorts. If you opt for the Mastercard brand, you can enjoy benefits such as exclusive Mastercard Platinum offers, Pricelles Cities and corkage exemption.

Thus, credit cards from the Sicredi cooperative have international coverage, that is, you can use the card wherever you are. Remembering that the more you use the card, the more points you can accumulate and exchange for products and services.

minimum incomenot informed
Annuitynot informed
FlagMastercard or Visa
Rewards Program
After all, how does this card work?

5. Uniprime Gold Card

First, let's talk about the Uniprime Gold card, one of the cards offered by the Uniprime cooperative.

So, it is international, that is, no matter where you are, you can use the card to make your purchases in complete safety, comfort and convenience.

In addition, it can be transferred directly from the Uniprime member account and is available in the credit and debit function, so you can make purchases to pay immediately or you can choose to pay your purchases in installments.

Among other advantages, you have access to all Mastercard Gold benefits such as MasterCard Surprise, Extended Warranty, Price Protection and Purchase Protection, as well as withdrawals at Uniprime, Banco24Horas and Cirrus Network branches in other countries.

minimum incomenot informed
Annuitynot informed
Mastercard Gold Advantages
After all, how does this card work?

6. Uniprime Black Card

Now, let's talk about the Uniprime Black card, also offered by the Uniprime cooperative.

As with the Gold version, the Black version of the Uniprime card is international, has a chip that guarantees more security and has a Mastercard flag. But in the Black version you have access to more benefits such as Mastercard Travel Services, Mastercard Airport Experiences, Boingo Wi-Fi and all the Mastercard Black benefits.

And in addition, you can also make withdrawals at Uniprime, Banco24Horas and Cirrus Network branches when you are in a country other than Brazil and you can also move everything that happens with your card through the Uniprime platform in the application or in Internet Banking.

On the other hand, a differential of the Black version is the Points Program, because the more purchases you make, the more points you can accumulate and transfer to LATAM Pass, TudoAzul and Livelo. Thus, with credit you earn 2.2 points for every dollar and with debit you earn 0.7 points for every dollar spent.

In addition, you get an annuity grace period in the first 6 months of using the card, as long as your monthly consumption is at least R$300 on the card, as well as from the 7th month of using your card, you can also have up to 100% of discount on the annuity according to the expense made.

So, the Black version of the Uniprime card brings several advantages according to the customer's profile, focusing on providing security and convenience when making purchases.

minimum incomenot informed
Annuitynot informed
Mastercard Black Advantages
Points Program
After all, how does this card work?

7. Uniprime Platinum Card

So, let's talk about the Uniprime Platinum card, also offered by the Uniprime cooperative.

Like the other Uniprime cards, the Uniprime Platinum card is also international and has the Mastercard brand. Thus, you can use the card anywhere in the world enjoying all the Mastercard advantages.

Among other advantages, you also have the Points Program to transfer to LATAM Pass, TudoAzul and Livelo. However, in the Platinum version, credit earns you 1.5 points for every dollar and debit earns 0.5 points for every dollar spent.

And in addition, you also get an annuity grace period in the first 6 months of using the card, but in the Platinum version the minimum consumption of the card needs to be R$200 and from the 7th month of using your card, you can also get the complete exemption.

In addition, the Platinum version is also a great credit card alternative made available by the Uniprime credit union.

minimum incomenot informed
Annuitynot informed
Mastercard Platinum Perks
Points Program
After all, how does this card work?

8. Voz Card

Conheça o cartão Vooz. Fonte: Pexels.
Get to know the Vooz card. Source: Pexels.

Now, let's get to know the Vooz card offered by the Sicoob cooperative.

So, the Vooz card is available in debit and credit versions, as well as it is also available in Visa and Mastercard flags, so you have access to benefits such as Mastercard Surpreenda Program and Vai de Visa Program.

And in addition, Vooz has an annuity of 12x R$9.90 per month, but with a purchase made in the month of any amount, you already get 100% discount on the annuity installment. Amazing isn't it? Just as you can find out everything that happens to your card and have access to the invoice through Sicoob's digital channels.

In addition, Vooz also has payment by approximation that can be contactless or Samsung Pay, bringing more security in your payments.

Furthermore, you can request additional cards at no additional cost, just as Vooz's initial limit is R$1,000.00, inclusive, you can assign any limit you wish to additional cards. You can say that Vooz is different from anything you've ever seen, right?

minimum incomenot informed
Annuity12x of R$9.90
FlagMastercard or Visa
Mastercard Advantages
additional cards
After all, how does this card work?

In addition, if you want to know other card options, access our recommended content below.

10 best credit cards online

Check out the online card options available in the market.

About the author  /  Joyce Viana

Graduated in Law from PUC Minas. Post Graduated in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure by Faculdade Legale. She produces content for different niches, from recipes and finance to beauty and health. Since he was a child, he made writing his best friend, and he never stopped!

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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