
Will Bank Card or Nubank Card: which one is better?

Both have very similar characteristics but with different proposals. See which bank has the best proposal for you: Will Bank or Nubank? Check out!


Will Bank x Nubank: find out which one to choose

Qual é a melhor opção de cartão? Fonte: Canva.
What is the best card option? Source: Canva.

To choose a credit card that meets our needs, it is necessary to compare at least two options and compare minimum income, annuity and coverage, for example. With that in mind, today, we are going to introduce you to the Will Bank card or Nubank card, so that you can choose the best card alternative.

On one side, we have a card with an application for managing expenses. On the other hand, we have a card that is the most beloved purple in Brazil. Both, free of annual fees, with international coverage and Mastercard brand.

So, let's get to know better how they work? Check out!

Will BankNubank
Minimum Incomenot informednot required
BenefitsManage spending through the app
Mastercard Surprise
Mastercard Surprise
What are the features of the cards?

How to apply for the Will Bank Basic card

The Will Bank Basic card has a free annual fee and access to the Mastercard Surpreenda program. Keep reading and discover the step by step to apply.

How to apply for the Nubank card step by step

Nubank, which is a fintech, that is, it is one of several companies that have renewed the financial services area. Check out how to apply for the Nubank card.

Will Bank Card

Mas, afinal, como funciona o cartão Will Bank? Fonte: Will Bank.
But, after all, how does the Will Bank card work? Source: Will Bank.

Let's start by talking about the Will Bank card. It is a credit card with a very beautiful design issued by the digital bank Will Bank, which despite being newer than Nubank is just as interesting and it is worth knowing its services!

In this sense, the card is free of annual fees, that is, so that you can use it for your purchases and other services, it is not necessary to pay any fees.

And in addition, having a Mastercard flag, which is the most used flag in the world, in addition to international coverage.

Thus, you can shop at millions of brand-accredited establishments, whether physical or even digital.

Likewise, you can also participate in the Mastercard Surprise program. In it, with every purchase you make, you earn points to exchange for other products.

And best of all, you control all of this through the Will Bank app!


Nubank card

Mas, afinal, como funciona o cartão Nubank? Fonte: Nubank.
But, after all, how does the Nubank card work? Source: Nubank.

First, let's get to know better how the Nubank card works. It is one of the most famous cards with a digital account in Brazil, precisely because it has excellent conditions for customers.

That's because you have an intuitive application to manage all your expenses, in addition to the card having no fees or annuity.

And in addition, through the digital account you can apply for loans, make investments and various other financial services. In fact, you can save money in the account and let it yield.

What are the advantages of the Will Bank card?

It is undeniable that every day there are even better credit card options and Will Bank would be no different. Starting with the coverage of the card, which is international, allowing you to use it anywhere in the world.

And besides, you don't pay any fee to keep the card active, that's because the annuity is totally free.

Also, you can control your expenses and maintain a balanced financial life through the Will Bank application.

When it comes to the card, it allows you to pay by approximation, without having to enter your password, so you can shop more securely.

There is also a virtual card, credit and debit function, you can make withdrawals on the Banco24Horas network, the service is completely online and you even get a discount at partner stores.

Finally, the flag is Mastercard, so you can still participate in the Mastercard Surprise program in which with each purchase you make, you earn points to exchange for other products.

To apply for the card, all you have to do is access the website of the Will Bank institution, fill in the form with your personal data and order the card. After that, the site will guide you to open an account and will analyze it within 5 business days. If approved, the card arrives at your residence within 15 working days.

What are the advantages of the Nubank card?

Firstly, the card does not charge an annual fee, that is, you do not pay any fee to maintain the card's services, so you can use it without any problems.

And in addition, the card is international, that is, you can shop in physical and online stores worldwide, in addition to having a Mastercard flag. By the way, all you have to do is use the card and register for Mastercard Surpreenda, which you can accumulate points and exchange for products.

Likewise, you can also control everything that happens with your card through the Nubank application. Also, you can increase or reduce the limit, block or unblock the card and even ask for a credit increase.

Finally, you can still anticipate installments and get great discounts! Amazing isn't it?


What are the disadvantages of the Will Bank card?

Unfortunately, the Will Bank card also has disadvantages, such as not having a points and cashback program.

And in addition, for you to have access to the card, you also need to open your Will Bank account and then order the credit card.

When it comes to card interest, the revolving interest is up to 16.3% per month and the installment payment is up to 13.4% per month, which is a little high. So, don't let it delay huh?

To top it off, he also doesn't offer any additional cards, so you know that card you wanted to ask your husband for? Unfortunately, it's not an option!

What are the disadvantages of the Nubank card?

Among the disadvantages, the biggest one is the lack of a rewards program, because, despite the existence of Nubank Rewards, there is no card that accumulates miles.

And besides, Nubank's credit analysis is known to be a little more thorough than other digital banks, so if you're looking for ease of approval, it may not be a good option!

Will Bank Card or Nubank Card: which one to choose?

Firstly, both cards have similar features, such as international coverage, annuity waiver and Mastercard brand. In this case, you need to compare differences such as ease of approval and application for expense management.

So, compare the two options and see which one best meets your needs at the moment. But, if it's still not what you're looking for, see the recommended content below, another comparison between cards. Check out!

Americanas Card or Magalu Card?

Learn a little more about the Lojas Americanas and Magazine Luiza cards, ideal for making purchases in a safe and practical way! Check out!

About the author  /  Joyce Viana

Graduated in Law from PUC Minas. Post Graduated in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure by Faculdade Legale. She produces content for different niches, from recipes and finance to beauty and health. Since he was a child, he made writing his best friend, and he never stopped!

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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