
Vivo Itaucard Cashback Platinum Visa credit card: how it works

The Vivo Itaucard Cashback Platinum Visa card has an international Visa flag. In addition, it offers many advantages, such as 50% discount on cinemas, financial education program and cashback program. Read this post and learn more!


Vivo Itaucard Cashback Platinum Visa Card: ideal for regular Vivo customers

Mas, afinal, como funciona o cartão? Fonte: Olhar Digital.
But, after all, how does the card work? Source: Digital Look.

Among so many credit card options on the market, in the search for one that has advantages and has a worthwhile annuity, the Vivo Itaucard Cashback Platinum Visa card brought a differentiated financial product model with a cashback program, exclusive installments and financial solutions for help you get out of trouble.

Therefore, continue reading to know a little more about this card.

Annuity12x of R$30.00
minimum incomeR$800.00
Benefitscashback program
Possibility of exemption from annuity
Discounts and special installments at Vivo stores
international coverage
Itaucard benefits
But, after all, what are the features of the card?

How to request Vivo Itaucard Cashback Platinum

Learn how to apply for your Vivo Itaucard Cashback Platinum Visa card and take advantage of special discounts and installments at Vivo stores.

Advantages Vivo Itaucard Cashback Platinum Visa

So, the Vivo Itaucard Cashback Platinum Visa card is a card that has several advantages, from having international coverage to offering different installments for customers, so continue reading to calmly learn about each of these advantages.

Among so many advantages, the card offers a cashback program, that is, if you buy with the card on Vivo channels, you receive up to 10% of cashback back.

And, in addition, you can pay for your purchases in up to 21 interest-free installments, as well as guaranteeing a 50% discount at cinemas and partner companies.

In addition, the card also offers the first installment of the annual fee free of charge and you can even reset it if you spend R$350 per month at Vivo stores.

And you also have access to Approach and Pay, being able to pay your bills with your cell phone, without even having to pick up your credit card.

Another super advantage is Vivo's Financial Solutions program to help you improve your financial life.

Therefore, the card has several advantages and you can still earn money by making purchases.


Main features of Vivo Itaucard Cashback Platinum Visa

Mas, afinal, quais são as principais características do cartão? Fonte: Pexels.
But, after all, what are the main features of the card? Source: Pexels.

Well, it is a financial product issued by Banco Itaú in partnership with the company Vivo, which has the Visa flag and international coverage, that is, you have access to thousands of Visa partner establishments around the world to make your purchases with the card. .

And, in addition, when buying, you can use contactless payment, which will give you more security and convenience.

Just like if you spend the invoice minimum of R$350 then you don't have to worry about the monthly installment of the annuity. So, you can go shopping, right?

And yet, to apply for the card, you need to present proof of income of R$800.00 and wait for the credit analysis.

Therefore, it is an interesting card that makes your purchases much more relaxed and uncomplicated.

Who the card is for

Mas, afinal, quem pode solicitar o cartão? Fonte: Olhar digital.
But, after all, who can apply for the card? Source: Digital look.

Therefore, the Vivo Itaucard Cashback Platinum Visa card is indicated for those who need a simple card, but with the necessary tools to make their financial life easier. Furthermore, it is ideal for Vivo customers who tend to shop frequently at the brand's stores.

Want to know more about this card? So, click on the recommended content and check it out!

Discover the Vivo Itaucard Cashback Platinum card

Get to know the Vivo Itaucard card and see how you can waive the annual fee, as well as get discounts at cinemas and at Vivo stores.

About the author  /  Joyce Viana

Graduated in Law from PUC Minas. Post Graduated in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure by Faculdade Legale. She produces content for different niches, from recipes and finance to beauty and health. Since he was a child, he made writing his best friend, and he never stopped!

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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