
My Renner card purchases up to 10 interest-free installments

Find out all the details about the Renner stores credit card. With exclusive installments and interest-free purchases. Continue reading and find out more!


 Request your Renner card with interest-free installments!

Descubra como funciona o cartão Renner com compras sem juros. Fonte: Renner
Find out how the Renner card works with interest-free purchases. Source: Renner

If you shop a lot in the same chain of stores, you have certainly thought about getting a card from that store. With that in mind, we created this article telling you all the details about the Renner card for interest-free purchases. Therefore, the card has no annual fee and several other advantages. For example, you have 30 days to pay and you still get a discount on your first purchase.

In today's article we will tell you all the details about this card. Continue reading and find out more!

minimum incomenot required
BenefitsInterest-free installments in 10 installments

Credit card


National Renner

Get access to interest-free installments at Renner stores!

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My Renner card: complete analysis

It is important to point out right away that the Renner card with interest-free purchases is only accepted in some stores. Therefore, you can only use it at Renner, Camicado and Ashua stores. That is, it is a card that is very worthwhile for those who buy frequently on this network. That's because the card has exclusive installments for these stores.

In addition, the card has no annual fee and no surprise fee. Below we did a complete analysis of the Renner card! Continue reading:


What is the Renner credit card limit?

At first, the renner card limit is granted automatically. In this way, after the initial limit, it is common for it to increase as you use the card. So, use the card and pay your bills on time. This will probably already increase your Renner card limit.

Advantages of the card 

Descubra as principais vantagens desse cartão. Fonte: Renner
Discover the main advantages of this card. Source: Renner

In short, the Renner card offers interest-free purchases in up to 10 installments. In addition, it has no annual fee or issue fee. Therefore, the card is accepted at Renner, Camicado and Ashua stores. Thus, installment payments work differently for each of the stores. Look:

For physical Renner stores:

  • Up to 5 interest-free installments with a minimum installment of R$ 20.00;
  • In up to 8 fixed installments with interest with no minimum installment;
  • In up to 10 interest-free installments with a minimum installment of R$ 30.00 (valid only for perfumery, beauty and watch products).

To the Renner virtual store

  • In up to 10 interest-free installments with a minimum installment of R$ 20.00.

For Camicado physical stores

  • In up to 6 interest-free installments with a minimum installment of R$ 30.00.

To the Camicado webshop

  • In up to 10 interest-free installments with a minimum installment of R$ 30.00.

In addition, Renner stores offer a 30-day payment method. That's because Renner card payment is in booklet format. That is, from the release of your card, you have 30 days to pay. In addition, this causes purchases to have different expiration dates. Therefore, you can make the payment in the app, on the website, in Renner stores and even in PDF form.

Disadvantages of the card

In short, the main disadvantage of the Renner card is that it is only accepted at Renner, Camicado and Ashua stores. Therefore, if you are looking for a card to use in other establishments, this is not the best option.

Renner card invoice: how to consult

As we already mentioned, Renner stores offer a great application. By the way, it is through him that you can consult your invoice. As well as all its installments separately. That is, if you want to check the invoice, just download the app and access your account. In addition, it is also possible to request a duplicate of the invoices.

Renner Card phone: Call Center number

In case of any doubts or complaints, Renner stores have a Call Center available. see the numbers

For questions and complaints:

  • Capitals and metropolitan regions: 3004 5030
  • Rio de Janeiro only: 0800 725 0025
  • For questions regarding delays and charges: 4004 2900

Make My Renner card: how to make the card online?

In general, making the Renner card is quite simple. Therefore, it is possible to request both in person, in a store, and through the application. Therefore, download the application and follow these steps:

  • Go to the Cards Menu
  • Click Renner card
  • take a selfie
  • Take a photo of your document
  • create your passwords

From there, your card will be ready to be used in physical stores and in the virtual store.

How to apply for Renner card

Discover the step-by-step process for applying for the Renner card!

Renner Card: how to be approved?

In principle, the Renner card credit analysis is completely automatic. So, to be approved, just buy in stores. Or, talk to a seller and see if there is a pre-approved limit. 

Advantages of the Renner app

In short, the Renner card has several advantages. That's because in addition to making your purchases, you can also access your invoices and also anticipate installments. Also, your purchases appear separately in the app. That is, you can control each purchase separately. This facilitates your financial organization process.

Magalu Card: another no-annuity credit card option for you

Finally, the Renner card is a great option for customers at Renner, Camicado and Ashua stores. This is because it offers exclusive conditions for purchases on this network. In addition, the card has no annual fee and it is possible to make purchases in up to 10 interest-free installments. However, if you frequently shop at other stores and want to know another option, we will introduce you to the Magalu card. With this card, you are entitled to 2% of cashback on online purchases. See the comparison below:

Magalu cardMy Renner Card
minimum incomeR$ 800.00not required
BenefitsCash backExclusive discounts Interest-free installments in 10 installments

So now you know the differences between the two and can make your decision. In that case, it really depends on where you shop. So, check out this other option with special installments by clicking the button below.

How to apply for the Magazine Luiza card?

Find out how to apply for the Magazine Luiza card in a simple and practical way.

About the author  /  Leticia Maia

Journalism student at UFSC, has always been passionate about writing. In the middle of college, he met digital marketing and was enchanted. She is a content producer for blogs and social networks.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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