
Rappi credit card: how it works

The Rappi credit card has international coverage, in addition to participating in Visa loyalty programs. Know more about him here!


Rappi Card: international coverage and cashback for you to use as you wish

Cartão Rappi: o que é e como funciona? Fonte: Rappi Card.
Rappi Card: what is it and how does it work? Source: Rappi Card.

Without a doubt, Rappi is one of the most outstanding on-demand delivery companies in today's market. In addition, it was a pioneer in aggregating the purchase of products from different sectors in a single application. 

So, it was with this spirit of innovation that RappiCard was born: the credit card that can be used to purchase products inside and outside the app.

Well then, do you want to know more about the Rappi credit card? So, check out the table below and continue reading to find out about its advantages!

AnnuityFree on RappiCard
12x of R$89.99 on RappiCard Prime
minimum incomeUninformed
RoofNational and international
Benefits3% cashback on in-app purchases
Participation in Visa loyalty programs
Discounts at partner restaurants and stores
So what are the main features of the Rappi credit card?

How to apply for the Rappi card

The Rappi credit card gives you cashback for every purchase you make, in addition to exclusive discounts at partner stores. See how to apply!

Rappi Advantages

Mas, afinal, quais são as vantagens? Fonte: RappiCard.
But, after all, what are the advantages? Source: RappiCard.

Certainly one of the main positive points of the card is that it offers the famous cashback to the customer. That is, for every purchase made with the Rappi card, you get 3% of the value back if the purchase was made through the app, and 1% if the purchase was made at another establishment.

In addition, the card has the Visa flag and offers international coverage, in addition to benefits such as discounts at restaurants and retail partner stores throughout the national territory. 

In addition, the card also has contactless and virtual card technologies. That is, you can make payments by approximation or with a one-time purchase virtual card in a simple and secure way.


Main features of Rappi

Então, quais são as características do cartão? Fonte: Unsplash.
So what are the features of the card? Source: Unsplash.

First, the Rappi credit card feature that stands out the most is that the entire process is done entirely through the application. That is, much more practicality to make your financial life easier.

As well as cashback, which means that part of what you spent comes back to you. Even more, you can use this money whenever and wherever you want, as this amount does not expire.

Who the card is for

Therefore, the Rappi card is recommended for anyone who wants an easy and quick way to make purchases through the app or even in national and international stores.

However, it is important to note that you must be over 18 to apply for the card. In addition, Rappi also performs a personal credit analysis to verify the customer's ability to pay.

Now, if you want to know more about the card, check out our recommended content, below!

Discover the Rappi credit card

The Rappi credit card has international coverage and you pay nothing extra for this benefit! Know more about him here!

About the author  /  Aline Barbosa

Writer and producer of content for various subjects, she is passionate about writing and the new. Always in search of knowledge, it aims to transmit what it has learned in a light and uncomplicated way.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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