
Invested Inter Limit Card: how it works

Find out about the Inter Limite Investido card and see how you can make your card limit work in your favor by creating your first financial reserve with a minimum amount of R$100.


Inter Limite Invested: get a credit card even if it's negative

Mas, afinal, o que é o novo cartão Inter? Fonte: Inter.
But, after all, what is the new Inter card? Source: Inter.

If you need help solving your financial problems, but also want to start investing, Inter Limite Investido can help you in this endeavor. That's because, with it you can invest any amount from R$100 and your money will be converted into credit. Want to know more? Continue reading and check it out!

Annuitynot informed
minimum incomeExempt
Benefitsaccept negatives
flag benefits
But, after all, what are the features of the card?

How to apply for the Inter Limit Invested card

Learn how to apply for the Inter Limite Investido card and take a leap forward in your financial life with this card that teaches you how to invest money.

Advantages Inter Limit Invested

Therefore, Inter Limite Invested does not work just like a credit card, but also as an investment. That's because, you can make investments of any amount from R$100.

Thus, the amounts applied can be used to make purchases and also entitle you to the cashback program. To do this, all you have to do is put your card bill on automatic debit.

And, in addition, the Inter Investido CDB yields more than savings and the more you use your card, the more money you get back in your account.

Furthermore, the card accepts negatives and people with low credit scores, that is, if you fall into this category of people, it is a good credit card alternative.

Main features of Inter Limit Invested

Mas, afinal, quais as características do cartão? Fonte: Pexels.
But, after all, what are the characteristics of the card? Source: Pexels.

If you want to better understand how this card works, don't worry, we'll tell you. Thus, with the Inter Limite Investido card, you need to invest the minimum amount of R$100 and this amount will be converted into a limit for you to use on your credit card.

Thus, as you use your limit, the money will remain invested and yielding 100% of the CDI, which is a fixed income product offered by financial institutions to raise money for their operations, that is, it works as if it were a loan for the institution.

And, in addition, you will receive amounts in interest in exchange, in the case of CDB Mais Limite it will be 100% of the CDI, which can reach 102% for customers who are part of an investment community. Therefore, the Limite Investido card is not prepaid, but works as an investment with daily liquidity.

Who the card is for

Mas, afinal, quem pode solicitar o cartão? Fonte: Pexels.
But, after all, who can apply for the card? Source: Pexels.

If you are looking for a secure credit card that will help you build your financial reserve, make purchases and take the first step in investing, Inter Limite Investido was made for you. Because it yields more than savings and helps you reorganize your finances.

So, to learn more about this card, click on the recommended content below.

Discover the Inter Limite Investido credit card

Do you want a credit card that will help you start investing and create your financial reserve? Inter Limite Invested can help you.

About the author  /  Joyce Viana

Graduated in Law from PUC Minas. Post Graduated in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure by Faculdade Legale. She produces content for different niches, from recipes and finance to beauty and health. Since he was a child, he made writing his best friend, and he never stopped!

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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