
Impact Bank Card or BTG+ Card: which one to choose?

Check out our comparison between a prepaid credit card for negative people and another traditional card that has investments from R$30.00. So, decide between the Impact Bank card or BTG+ card


Impact Bank x BTG+: find out which is better?

Cartão Impact Bank ou cartão BTG+, qual o melhor? Fonte: Pxhere.
Impact Bank card or BTG+ card, which is better? Source: Pxhere.

Between the Impact Bank card or BTG+ card, the decision can be difficult, as both have good digital accounts and offer credit cards.

While one card allows requests from people with a bad name, as it is a prepaid credit card, the other is ideal for those looking for low fees and the first chances of investments, with the option to enter the treasury directly with just thirty reais .

As much as both options are interesting, you need to take into account some characteristics to order the ideal credit card, therefore, consider your score, priorities and needs, that is, whether you need to pay for more products on credit.

Furthermore, without further ado, see below a detailed comparison between a prepaid card with a digital account and a credit card with the possibility of investments, both of which can be requested without leaving home. So, stay with us!

How to apply for the Impact Bank card

A card that seeks the circulation of income, does not charge many fees and can also be requested for negative people: this is the Impact Bank card!

How to apply for the BTG+ card

Invest with just R$ 30 when opening a digital account at BTG+ bank, where the customer pays few fees and also invests without difficulty with the amount available in the account!

Impact Bank CardBTG+ card
Minimum Incomenot requiredNot required in Basic Option
AnnuityDepends on the plan chosenFree in the Basic Option
RoofNational and internationalnational or international
Benefitsfree digital account
Get money back when you use your account
Small and medium-sized businesses can open a digital account
Be part of an environmentally friendly bank
Investments that are released from thirty reais
Discover Invest+, where you invest when you use your account
Pay with contactless technology
The invoice can be paid in up to 24 installments
But in the end, which one to choose?

Impact Bank Card

In order to guarantee a fair circulation of money and income, the Impact Bank card has a project that directs money to funds that encourage social projects, protect the environment and guarantee help for needy families, which in times like these are important attitudes. , Is not it?

In principle, it is a free digital account that can be opened in just one minute via the website, without bureaucracy. In fact, it is a digital account that charges fixed monthly fees depending on the plan chosen.

While many credit cards carry out thorough analysis, the Impact Bank account does not ask for any proof of income and provides a prepaid credit card for individuals and companies, enabling international purchases and subscriptions to streaming services.

Finally, the Impact Bank customer contributes to a bank fund that collects money from customers for environmental protection organizations, but also those that help needy families and other important initiatives, so when there is a small machine, for example, 0.1% goes straight to the transformation fund.


BTG+ card

In order to create a new legion of investors, BTG Pactual invests in an accessible digital account, available to audiences who are starting to invest or to those who are already customers and need to carry out banking transactions using a digital account.

Furthermore, as it is a bank focused on investments, it has Invest+, which is offered to customers who want to operate their account and have part of the money invested in a fixed income fund, however, it is also possible to invest directly in other investment options .

Although it appears to be aimed at a specific audience, the BTG+ card has three options, the first of which, the most basic, includes Invest+ for a monthly fee, Mastercard Surpreenda benefits, registration in digital wallets and streaming subscriptions.

Furthermore, it is possible to make withdrawals on the Banco24Horas network, request the card via the website and get quick approval, in addition to making all transactions free of charge via the BTG bank app, so, with a high score and clean name, the BTG+ card can be a great option .

What are the benefits of the Impact Bank card?

Conheça as vantagens do Impact Bank. Fonte: Impact Bank.
Discover the advantages of Impact Bank. Source: Impact Bank.

Above all, the Impact Bank card is an ideal option for those who need credit to pay for Netflix, Amazon Prime or have access to a cheap and accessible corporate account. Therefore, follow the other advantages of this option with us.

  • Have a digital account with unlimited transactions for individuals and companies;
  • Pay with a prepaid card for any international credit purchase;
  • Help non-profit organizations fight for global causes;
  • Open the account without bureaucracy and credit analysis in just one minute.

What are the advantages of the BTG+ card?

Conheça as vantagens do cartão BTG+. Fonte: BTG+
Discover the advantages of the BTG+ card. Source: BTG+

Unless you don't want a credit card, with different types of cards to choose from, cashback and the possibility of investing with little, don't choose this card. Therefore, see more benefits of the BTG+ card below.

  • Invest+, transforms credit expenses into fixed income investment, based on the direct treasury, that is, invest from thirty reais;
  • Buy air tickets on the card and get free health care;
  • The value yields all the time, there is no expiration;
  • Pay a low monthly fee per month to access the benefits;
  • Choose the ideal benefits for your pocket.

What are the disadvantages of the Impact Bank card?

Knowing that prepaid cards do not allow installments, this also applies to digital accounts for individuals or companies using the Impact Bank card. Furthermore, it is not advantageous for those looking to avoid paying fixed monthly fees for a prepaid card.

While it has fewer fees than other similar options, the monthly fee that reaches R$$26.00 for the plan for individuals and R$$40.00 for companies and small businesses, furthermore, it is not yet a bank that offers loans to its customers.

Finally, know that even if you pay for the premium plan with a monthly fee of twenty-six reais, you will still have to pay transfer fees when going to other banks, exceeding three per month.

What are the disadvantages of the BTG+ card?

While the BTG+ card is affordable, it requires a rigorous credit analysis and it is unlikely that a credit card will be approved for those with negative credit ratings or those with a low score.

Furthermore, to take advantage of any available benefit, such as Invest+, you will need to pay monthly fees, and if you do not have an investor profile, it will also take time to obtain benefits available on the BTG+ credit card.

Impact Bank Card or BTG+ Card: which one to choose?

Cartão Impact Bank ou Cartão BTG+: decida entre os dois. Fonte: Pxhere.
Impact Bank Card or BTG+ Card: decide between the two. Source: Pxhere.

Finally, were you able to decide between the Impact Bank card or BTG+ card?

Sometimes it's difficult to choose between the two, but in short, while one doesn't require credit analysis and provides a prepaid card for businesses and individuals, the other is more like the traditional ones, allowing purchases on credit and, also, options to invest.

Even if you have all the information but haven't made up your mind, don't worry, because below we have another comparison made especially for your financial profile, with other options for you to take advantage of the credit modality.

So, click below and check out this detailed post about the best credit cards on the market.

C6 Bank card or Nubank Ultraviolet card

Have international coverage, digital account and also guarantee benefits from the Mastercard brand. Discover the two options and decide.

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