
Bradesco Neo Card or Superdigital Card: which one is better?

Whether it's the Bradesco Neo card or the Superdigital card, both have international coverage and offer several advantages. Check out the text below to find out more!


Bradesco Neo x Superdigital: find out which one to choose

Bradesco Neo x Superdigital: descubra qual escolher
Bradesco Neo x Superdigital: find out which one to choose

Still don't know whether to choose the Bradesco Neo card or the Superdigital card? Read below about the advantages and disadvantages of each card to make your decision.

Firstly, it is worth remembering that the cards are offered by reputable banks – the Superdigital card is issued by Santander bank, while the Neo card is offered by Bradesco bank. Therefore, they are safe and reliable options for anyone looking to purchase a new card.

Both are international cards and have several benefits, which we will detail below. Furthermore, they can be requested online and you don't need to leave home to access your account – all of its functions can be used through the application. This way, it becomes much easier to monitor your finances and have control of your money, right? 

Now let's get to know each of them better, so you can make a responsible decision about the most suitable card for your reality. Let's go?

How to apply for the Bradesco Neo card

Discover the step-by-step process on how to apply for the newest Bradesco bank card, the Neo credit card.

How to apply for the Superdigital credit card

If you have doubts about how to apply for the Superdigital credit card, after this text you will definitely not have any more!

Bradesco NeoSuperdigital
minimum income R$ 1,045.00not required
AnnuityExempt if R$ 50.00 is spent monthly on the cardFree
Benefits Discount at Cinemark Network, Teatro Bradesco and several restaurantsMastercard Surpreenda and Santander Esfera reward programs

Bradesco Neo Card

Cartão Bradesco Neo
Bradesco Neo Card

The Bradesco Neo card is a credit card and offers several benefits to its customers, in addition to having international coverage. Your Visa brand allows you to be accepted in several establishments so you can take advantage of all its advantages. Keep reading to find out more!

So, if you are looking for a quality service to acquire financial freedom and ease in shopping, the Bradesco Neo card is a great option!

Furthermore, it is possible to access all its functions through an application, which helps a lot in our daily lives, right? This way, you can view your statement, make purchases and much more, without having to leave the comfort of your home. Incredible, isn't it?

Another advantage is that it is possible to get rid of the annual fee – the one charged by most credit cards. As? Just use a minimum amount of R$ 50.00 every month on the card and the fee is waived! A great way to save a little money.

Superdigital Card

Cartão Superdigital/ Fonte: FDR
Superdigital Card/ Source: FDR

One of the first advantages of the Superdigital card is that there is no need for credit analysis or proof of income. Therefore, it is a very interesting option for those who have a negative name.

Although it is a credit card, it is a prepaid card. Therefore, it is much easier to control your finances and avoid unnecessary expenses. This is because you need to load the card with an amount of money before using it. This way, you will never have a negative balance.

Another advantage: as it is a Mastercard branded card, the user can participate in the Mastercard Surpreenda rewards program. Furthermore, the account is linked to Santander and this makes it possible to participate in the Santander Esfera program. There are many benefits, discounts and offers offered in the programs!

Furthermore, Superdigital offers two types of card: the physical card, with which you can buy anywhere and withdraw money on the Banco24Horas Network, and the virtual card, which can be used in applications and when purchasing on national and international websites. Interested in finding out more? Keep reading!

What are the advantages of the Bradesco Neo card?

CQuais as vantagens do cartão Bradesco Neo? Fonte: Notícia Oficial
What are the advantages of the Bradesco Neo card? Source: Official News

Well, we already know the two cards, so let's talk about more advantages of the Bradesco Neo card. There are several attractive benefits for those looking for a credit card. Check it out below!

  • No annual fee when spending at least R$ 50.00 on the card monthly
  • National and international purchases, in physical stores and online
  • Discount of 50% at Cinemark and discounts of up to 50% at Teatro Bradesco
  • App to monitor your account, in which you can check the closing of the invoice, make purchases, access the statement, among other functions
  • 15% discount at various restaurants
  • Exclusive assistance and insurance offered to users

There are many benefits, don't you think? Continue reading and choose the best option for you!

What are the advantages of the Superdigital card?

How about finding out about the advantages of the Superdigital card now? This way, you can decide on the best option for your financial life! Check out:

  • There is no credit analysis or consultation with SPC/SERASA
  • As it is a prepaid card, you will never have a negative account and will not have to deal with interest on the card.
  • There is no purchase limit
  • Withdrawal on the Banco24Horas Network
  • Participation in the Mastercard Surpreenda and Santander Esfera reward programs, having access to exclusive discounts and offers
  • National and international coverage for shopping
  • All monitoring of your account is done through the app

Therefore, it is very simple to use the Superdigital card and enjoy its benefits!

What are the disadvantages of the Bradesco Neo card?

Despite the numerous advantages of the Bradesco Neo card, we can also mention some negative points so that you have no doubt that you are requesting the most appropriate card for your situation.

An important point is that there is an analysis of the CPF and ID, so it is not recommended for those who are negative and have a dirty name. A minimum income of R$ 1,045.00 must also be proven.

Furthermore, an annual fee will be charged if you do not use a minimum amount of R$ 50.00 on the card every month. If you do not reach the amount, the annual fee will be R$ 240.00. Therefore, to get rid of this charge, you need to have good planning of your expenses.

What are the disadvantages of the Superdigital card?

To make an informed choice, we need all the information, right? Therefore, we are going to comment on some disadvantages of the Superdigital card. This way, you can choose your dream card!

Well, one of its disadvantages is the fact that it is a prepaid card. Therefore, it is only possible to use it if there is a balance available in the account. Although the positive side is greater control over your finances, it may not be the right card for those who want to make purchases in installments.

Another negative point is that there are some fees for using certain functions. For example, withdrawals on the Banco24Horas Network are R$ 6.40 and issuing a balance or statement at ATMs is R$ 2.00.

Bradesco Neo Card or Superdigital Card: which one to choose?

Well, after knowing all the advantages and disadvantages, it's easier to make a decision between the Bradesco Neo Card or the Superdigital Card, right? Both are interesting and safe options, as the cards are offered by renowned banks – Bradesco and Santander. 

Both cards are international and have several benefits. The Bradesco Neo card is a credit card, perfect for those looking to make purchases in installments. The Superdigital card is prepaid and does not require a credit analysis, ideal for those who are negative.

Now you have all the information to make the best decision for your financial life and choose between the Bradesco Neo Card or the Superdigital Card. Still not sure? See the comparison below and discover new cards!

Santander SX Card or Bradesco Neo Card?

Do you want to choose between the Santander SX Card or the Bradesco Neo Card and don't know which option is the most advantageous? Then check out our post!

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