
Banco do Brasil prepaid card: how it works

Find out everything about the Banco do Brasil prepaid card, which offers different conditions, such as exemption from annual fees, no requirement for proof of minimum income and no consultation with the SPC and SERASA. Check out!


Banco do Brasil Card: find out everything about this prepaid product, with no annual fee and without consulting the SPC and SERASA

Mas, afinal, o que é o pré-pago Banco do Brasil? Fonte: Banco do Brasil.
But, after all, what is Banco do Brasil prepaid? Source: Banco do Brasil.

If you are looking for a card with no annual fee, without consulting the SPC and SERASA and that does not require a minimum income, the Banco do Brasil prepaid card could be a good alternative. Because, in addition to meeting all these requirements, it is also easy to request. So, continue reading and find out more!

minimum incomenot required
BenefitsAnnuity Exemption
Without consultation with the SPC and SERASA
But, after all, what are the features of the card?

How to request Banco do Brasil prepaid

Learn how to apply for a Banco do Brasil prepaid card and have access to unique conditions, such as exemption from annual fees, exemption from consultation with SPC and SERASA and Visa.

Advantages Bank of Brazil

Among the advantages of this card, we have the annual fee exemption, because you don't need to worry about the annual fee to maintain the prepaid card services.

Furthermore, there is no requirement to prove a minimum income, just as the bank does not consult credit agencies, such as SPC and SERASA, making it a good alternative for people with a low credit score or a dirty name.

Furthermore, because it is a prepaid card, you can have more control over everything that happens with your card, as you can only spend what you have on the card.

Furthermore, you have access to all the advantages of the Visa brand, such as the Vai de Visa program, to use it you just need to register your card in the program. This way, you will have access to discounts and special conditions in establishments throughout Brazil.


Main features of Banco do Brasil

Mas, afinal, quais as principais características? Fonte: Pexels.
But, after all, what are the main features? Source: Pexels.

Firstly, the Banco do Brasil prepaid card is a card that was created by one of the first financial institutions in the country to give more access to negative people when applying for a credit card, which is sometimes not a simple task.

Thus, it is a card that works in prepaid mode, that is, to use it you need to top it up. To do this, you can top up through the bank's own app, without having to go to a bank branch.

However, the limit of cards per customer is five and you can still schedule amounts for recharge for up to a year.

Who the card is for

Mas, afinal, quem pode solicitar o cartão? Fonte: Pexels.
But, after all, who can apply for the card? Source: Pexels.

If you are looking for a secure credit card that does not require consultation with credit agencies, as well as offering the best card conditions, Banco do Brasil prepaid is for you. This way, you can have access to millions of Visa and Banco do Brasil partner establishments nationwide.

Furthermore, this card can only be requested by bank account holders. Do you want to know more about him? Then click on the recommended content below.

Discover the Banco do Brasil prepaid card

Do you want a credit card without consulting the SPC and SERASA, without annual fees and without needing to prove income? So, get to know the Banco do Brasil prepaid card.

About the author  /  Joyce Viana

Graduated in Law from PUC Minas. Post Graduated in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure by Faculdade Legale. She produces content for different niches, from recipes and finance to beauty and health. Since he was a child, he made writing his best friend, and he never stopped!

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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