
Atacadão Card or Netshoes Card: which is better?

Check out the comparison between the Atacadão card and the Netshoes card. Both offer exclusive installments, special discounts and low annual fees. So, read our text and know the differences between them.


Atacadão x Netshoes: find out which one to choose!

Mas, afinal, qual o melhor? Fonte: Unsplash.
But in the end, which is the best? Source: Unsplash.

How about knowing all the details to decide between the Atacadão card or the Netshoes card?

In short, they are cards with internet request, international credit flag, movement application and even personal credit!

Therefore, we have prepared this comparison to help you choose the best one for your priorities and also save on rates, since both have few. Check out!

How to apply for the Atacadão card

How about having an ideal card for discounts, interest-free installments and much more? So, learn how to apply for the Atacadão card here!

How to apply for the Netshoes card

Get up to 30% discount on purchases, do not pay for personalization and, even, pay for purchases in up to 15 interest-free installments with the Netshoes card.

Atacadão CardNetshoes card
Minimum Incomenot informedR$ 800.00
Annuity12x of R$ 11.9912x of R$ 15.50
FlagMastercard or VisaVisa
BenefitsSpecial discounts at Atacadão
Exclusive installments at Atacadão
Up to 10 interest-free installments at Drogarias Atacadão
Go Visa Program
30% off purchases
Up to 15 installments without interest at Netshoes and Zattini
Compare the two and choose!

Atacadão Card

Since it is the largest wholesale chain in the country, it is more economical to buy at Atacadão, which has a catalog of over ten thousand items.

This means opportunity for merchants and large families to access a large number of products paying a low price, with advantageous installments.

The customer goes through a credit analysis, receives the pre-approved limit and accesses daily promotions, such as “take more, pay less”, being able to buy immediately.

Finally, pay invoices in up to 24 installments, take advantage of personal credit and withdraw your credit limit through the Banco24Horas network.

Netshoes card

Currently, Netshoes is the largest Brazilian sporting goods company, it was created in 2000 and then purchased by Magazine Luiza in 2019.

But the creation of the credit card came from a partnership with Itaucard. So, after requesting it, the credit analysis takes place and, with approval, the customer has benefits from Itaucard and the brand.

In other words, you will have 30% off products at Netshoes and Zattini, 50% off at Itaucard partner cinemas, as well as not spending on personalization on sports items and much more.

Your Netshoes card is released for use at any national or international establishment, but the advantages are greater on the brand's website.

Finally, we are going to detail other advantages of this credit card that has a Visa flag and gives you access to the Vai de Visa program, below.

What are the advantages of the Atacadão card?

Afinal, quais as vantagens do cartão? Fonte: Pexels.
After all, what are the advantages of the card? Source: Pexels.

Not just a supermarket card, but also an international credit card, the Atacadão card has a limit for use at any online or physical establishment.

Undoubtedly, it is ideal for bulk purchases, where you can also take advantage of the “take more for less”. In this case, buy a defined amount of products and take one more.

On the other hand, there are also installments of up to 10 interest-free installments on medicines and cosmetics, at Atacadão drugstores. In addition, the customer guarantees interest-free installments on specific products, which are informed on the website.

Just to exemplify, you can pay in up to 4 interest-free installments on hygiene products until the end of September. Thus, every month you check on the website what the installment is.

What are the advantages of the Netshoes card?

Whether you like it or not, the Netshoes card is ideal for paying cheaply at the store. But also at Magalu and Zattini partners, in addition to Visa-accredited establishments.

In addition, with Vai de Visa, get discounts for health care, studies and even looking for a job at Catho, with 20% off in the quarterly plan.

From the same point of view, the Netshoes card offers 15% discount on any product, even those that already have some benefit. Also take advantage of installments of up to 15 interest-free installments at brand stores and a card with contactless technology.

Either way, it's a pain to pay for custom shirts or sporting goods. So, the Netshoes customer takes advantage of some items that don't charge personalization, such as the name and number of t-shirts, for example.

What are the disadvantages of the Atacadão card?

We can point out that the unavailability of points club or advantages by Atacadão can discourage the customer. That's because it has no incentives to keep buying frequently.

In addition, you will undergo a strict credit analysis, with consultation with credit bureaus. Thus, there is a need for proof of income to get a good credit limit. 

Either way, you'll pay an annuity and fees to pay invoices in installments, make withdrawals and take out personal credit. In addition, all these services also require credit analysis.

What are the disadvantages of the Netshoes card?

Know that the Netshoes card is useful for several cases, but mainly for those people who already buy a lot at the store. Regardless, you will pay for annuity. So, don't generate fees unnecessarily.

Another important point is the need for credit analysis, since the card is associated with Itaú bank. In addition, there are some subtexts regarding the benefits of shopping.

Just to illustrate, it should be noted on the product page whether it is eligible for interest-free installments. Another example is the non-payment of personalization, so read the conditions offered before making the purchase.

Atacadão card or Netshoes card: which one to choose?

Afinal, conseguiu escolher? Fonte: Unsplash.
After all, did you get to choose? Source: Unsplash.

Once you gathered all the information, were you able to decide between the Atacadão card or the Netshoes card?

In summary, both are for purchases of interest-free market and sports items with a discount and quality proven by years of experience of their companies.

In addition, they are international flag cards, wide, used in any establishment that accepts Visa or Mastercard flags. Customers also have the chance to participate in the brand's programs.

The Netshoes card can be requested through the website, after approval. The customer buys with a percentage discount at the store, but also at Zattini and Magalu, which are companies of the same group.

There is also the possibility of having personal credit, additional card, price protection, movement application and extended warranty on several Netshoes products. 

On the other hand, the Atacadão card is good for bulk purchases. In this way, it is used by merchants and large families who need to pay less for items and also pay in installments without interest.

In addition, get personal credit, interest-free purchases in installments, invoice negotiation and withdrawals from the limit when there are emergencies, in addition to discounts on products and medicines.

To arrive at the ideal option, consider your purchasing priorities. Also note which of the cards would have easier access, as both consult credit bureaus and require proof of income.

Finally, if you didn't manage to come up with a favorite, don't worry. Next, we have another comparison with cards full of advantages, so just click!

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