
Access Card or Blubank Card: which is better?

We present a comparison between the Acesso card and the Blubank card, both ideal for negative credit cards that allow international purchases without bureaucracy. Know the advantages of each one and decide which prepaid option is best for you.


Access x Blubank: find out which one to choose

Cartão Acesso ou cartão Blubank: para negativados, mas diferentes. Fonte: Pxhere.
Access card or Blubank card: for those who are negative, but different. Source: Pxhere.

First, be aware that both the Acesso card and the Blubank card are prepaid cards, that is, they allow purchases in credit mode, but not in installments. However, they are ideal for negatives who need to shop online and who in some cases do not have access because they require a credit card.

Secondly, choosing between the Acesso card or the Blubank card can be difficult, since they were made for the same public and have similar advantages, but could some details differentiate one of them?

Besides, the answer is yes! For this reason, we have prepared a detailed comparison for you to choose between the Acesso card or the Blubank card, as both allow international purchases and bring little bureaucracy to use. So read on and find out!

How to apply for the Access card

Applying for the Acesso card is very simple, then it's all about moving the digital account and paying almost no fee to use the credit modality!

How to apply for the Blubank card

Negatives can try the available loan modality and take advantage of the credit card to shop online! Learn more about the Blubank card.

Access CardBlubank card
Minimum Incomenot requirednot required
Annuity12x of R$ 5.95Exempt
RoofNational and internationalNational and international
BenefitsIdeal for negatives
No need to open bank account
Low annuity
quick request
Accepted at 2 million establishments
Use of the credit function
Personal loan
compare each card

Access Card

When looking for a prepaid credit card, it is ideal that it has few fees and almost no attribution that further worsens the situation of someone who has a negative name, for example.

Therefore, the Acesso card appears as a safe option for this public, since it does not have bureaucracy or high fees for its order. As the order is placed online, you will need to input at least R$100.00 to validate it and pay a monthly fee of R$5.95 to use the card.

Finally, it turns out that the Acesso card or the Blubank card are similar, but the Acesso card is the leader in the prepaid card market, with more than 400,000 cards spread across the country, offering the possibility of international purchases and a secure bank account. .


Blubank card

Undoubtedly, the Blubank card came to offer its customers even more ways to access money. This is because in addition to having a rechargeable credit card, the customer can access the loan offered by the company, which reaches 25 thousand reais in some cases.

Furthermore, the order is made over the internet, arrives by post and by associating your CPF, you pay a fee of R$49.90 to activate and receive the Blubank card. When in doubt between the Acesso card or the Blubank card, the second option brings this possibility of accessing money to the negative customer.

Although this possibility exists, unlike the first option, the Blubank card still asks for a basic credit analysis of your CPF, but according to some customers, nothing prevents you from applying for the card.

What are the advantages of the Access card?

Com conta digital, o cartão acesso funciona como qualquer cartão de crédito tradicional. Fonte: Meu acesso.
With a digital account, the access card works like any traditional credit card. Source: My access.

As complicated as it may seem, the popularity of the Acesso card came from how easy it is to be approved, mainly because it is not an approval, but an accepted order, since there is no credit analysis. In addition, there are many advantages associated with the financial product, see some of them below.

  • Buy the card and start using it in the credit function quickly;
  • Charge Netflix, Spotify and ride-hailing apps directly to this card;
  • Reload whenever you need to use the credit function;
  • No bank account required;
  • No high fees or monthly bills;
  • Can be acquired by negatives;
  • Make international and national purchases, with withdrawals without fees.

What are the advantages of the Blubank card?

Novidade no Brasil, este cartão pré-pago surge com empréstimo. Fonte: Blubank.
New in Brazil, this prepaid card comes with a loan. Source: Blubank.

Even though the Blubank card performs a credit analysis, the idea is to allow the negative customer to buy again in credit mode, withdraw and even access online purchases in other countries. Therefore, among the benefits, we also have those mentioned below.

  • No bank account required;
  • Can be bought by people with a dirty name;
  • It has no annuity;
  • You can access a loan;
  • Allows transfers;
  • Quick and bureaucratic access, with request made on the internet.

What are the disadvantages of the Access card?

Since nothing is completely without defects, it is possible to find some important disadvantages in the Acesso card, among the main ones, the amount of fees charged by the prepaid card, so, in the comparison between the Acesso card or the Blubank card, this is not interesting.

Just to exemplify, there is the already mentioned annuity of R$ 5.95 per month, however, there is also a fee of R$ 2.50 if the recharge does not exceed R$ 500.00 via debit account or identified deposit, in addition, the rate rises to R$ 2.90 when insertion is made by bank slip.

Regardless of how you recharge it, you will pay R$ 6.50 to use the credit function every month, so when you put it on paper the fees for using the Acesso card end up making everything more salty for some people.

What are the disadvantages of the Blubank card?

In any case, unfortunately, the Blubank card can be a great opportunity for a new negative note on your CPF. This is because the idea of a limit that can reach up to 25,000 may confuse some people, who believe it to be a pre-approved opportunity.

However, in practice this is not the case, since it is a loan made available by the brand and which includes high fees. Also, to just get it and activate it, you need to pay a fee of R$49.90.

Therefore, even if it brings the opportunity to spend in the credit mode, be aware that if you order the card and do not pay the mentioned slip, they can enter your name in the SPC or Serasa. So, know this before deciding between the Acesso card or the Blubank card. Finally, both options do not allow installments.

Access Card or Blubank Card: which one to choose?

Mas, afinal, qual escolher? Fonte: Pxhere.
But in the end, which one to choose? Source: Pxhere.

Finally, regardless of the fees or situations imposed, know that going back to buying on credit can be the financial freedom that is still missing. That's because subscribing to streaming services, shopping in some stores and even paying for app cars are necessities for some people.

Therefore, before deciding between the Acesso card or the Blubank card, think carefully about the real need to have a credit card again. Even if you have all this information and you still haven't made up your mind, don't worry! From the same point of view, we have another hot comparison below for you to check out!

Impact Bank card or Superdigital card?

Both are ideal for those who are negative, as they do not undergo analysis at the SPC. In addition, they allow international and internet purchases!

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