
Bradesco Prime Platinum Card or Sicoob Platinum Card: which is better?

Want to choose the best card for your needs? In this article, we will show you the differences between the Bradesco Prime Platinum card and the Sicoob Platinum card. Keep reading and find out more!


Bradesco Prime Platinum x Sicoob Platinum: find out which one to choose

Conheça os dois cartões e entenda qual o melhor para você. Fonte: Pexels.
Get to know the two cards and understand which one is best for you. Source: Pexels.

Choosing the ideal credit card is an important task for financial life. And with good research, this can be very easy. When choosing a card, it is essential to consider several factors, such as: annuity, brand and benefits. Well, in today's article we will tell you how to choose between Bradesco Prime Platinum card or Sicoob Platinum card.

At first, Banco Bradesco offers benefits to customers who are already Prime. Secondly, Sicoob Platinum has advantages, such as more time to pay the invoice. So read on and find out which option is best for you!

How to apply for a Bradesco Prime Visa Platinum card

With the Bradesco Prime Visa Platinum card, you have access to two loyalty programs, one from the bank and the other from the brand. See now the step by step on how to apply.

Bradesco Prime Platinum CardSicoob Platinum Card
Minimum Incomenot informednot informed
Annuity12x of R$36.25not informed
FlagVisaVisa or Mastercard
BenefitsDiscount in cinemas, theaters and restaurants;
Benefits associated with the flag;
Bradesco loyalty program.
Benefits of flags;
Sicoobcard Prizes;
Withdrawals in the credit function.
Platinum card features

Bradesco Prime Platinum Card

O cartão Bradesco agora é Visa Signature. Fonte: Bradesco.
The Bradesco card is now Visa Signature. Source: Bradesco.

First, the Bradesco Prime Visa Platinum card changed its name. Now, this is Bradesco bank's Prime Visa Signature. The advantages and conditions are practically the same as the previous card. For example, this card uses the Livelo scoring system.

That way, you can exchange points for airline miles, discounts at cinemas, theaters and restaurants. Also, if you travel a lot, the Bradesco Prime Visa Platinum card may be a good option. That's because the new Signature category offers access to VIP lounges around the world. 

When we talk about the conditions it is important to be aware. First, to acquire this card, you must already be a Bradesco customer. In addition, the annuity to be paid is high. That's 12x of R$36.25, totaling R$435.00. However, this value may have a certain discount. This all depends on your relationship with the bank and negotiations with your manager.


Sicoob Platinum Card

O cartão Sicoob Platinum é exclusivo para sócios. Fonte: Sicoob.
The Sicoob Platinum card is exclusive to members. Source: Sicoob.

The Sicoob Platinum card is a product of the largest credit union in Brazil, Sicoob. As it is a cooperative, those who acquire its shares become an active part in the institution's decisions. However, despite being part of a cooperative, the card offers benefits similar to those of a traditional bank.

Firstly, Sicoobcard can be directly controlled by the application. With the Sicoob app, you can track your purchases in real time, allow international use and also temporarily block and unblock your card.

Second, we have the flags. The Sicoob Platinum card offers two flag options: Visa or Mastercard. That way, you choose the one you are used to using. In addition, the card offers up to 40 days to pay your bill. It is also possible to make withdrawals using the credit function and pay your account in installments. 

It is worth mentioning that the card is from the premium line. That is, it is intended exclusively for members of the cooperative. With international coverage, the card also offers several advantages such as Sicoob Prêmios. Much like Livelo Points, it is also a scoring system. In it, you can have discounts on products, airline miles and even direct discount on the invoice.

What are the advantages of the Bradesco Prime Platinum card?

Right away, the main advantage of this card is the scoring system. Well, with Livelo points your purchases entitle you to even more benefits. With each purchase you add new discounts in restaurants, theaters and cinemas. As we mentioned earlier, the Bradesco Prime Platinum card is a great option for those who travel a lot. Above all, because of the points that can become airline miles. In addition, the card gives access to several VIP lounges around the world. 

In this sense, if you are looking for a card to make your trips more worthwhile, this could be ideal. Also because it is an international card. However, if you are still looking for other advantages, the new Signature card also offers a discount on the annuity.

The annual fee for this product is actually higher. In this way, with a certain use of the card, it is possible to receive discounts on this rate. To better understand these conditions, you need to talk to your relationship manager at Banco Bradesco. 

In addition, the card also offers benefits associated with the brand itself. The Vai de Visa program has even more discounts at partner establishments. To register is very simple. In this sense, each purchase with the card is already a chance to have benefits.

What are the advantages of the Sicoob Platinum card?

Above all, the advantages of Sicoob Platinum are countless. Especially for those who travel a lot. Along with the brand benefits, Sicoob Prêmios is a scoring system to obtain discounts. With it, it is possible to obtain discounts on selected products and also on the invoice amount. Plus, you get airline miles to travel even further.

You still have access to the benefits program associated with the card brand. In this case, we have Mastercard Surpreenda or Vai de Visa. So it depends on the flag you choose. The two have similar advantages for being a scoring program. 

In addition, Sicoob wants to provide a unique experience for its Premium customers. Thinking about it, the corkage exemption allows you to take your wine to restaurants and not pay the corkage fee. 

Likewise, thinking about those who travel a lot, the card offers a 24-hour concierge. However, the service changes according to the card brand selected when contracting. The Concierge is a personal assistant that helps you find the best tours, trips and restaurants.


What are the disadvantages of the Bradesco Prime Platinum card?

Well, we can say that the main disadvantage of the Bradesco Prime Platinum card is its annual fee. The value is 12x R$36.25, totaling R$435.00. Although it is possible to obtain a discount, this is not a certainty when contracting the card. Also, Livelo Points expire in 24 months. That is, if you are saving the points for a very distant trip, for example, they will expire. 

What are the disadvantages of the Sicoob Platinum card?

On the other hand, a disadvantage of the Sicoob Platinum card is that it is a more exclusive card. Therefore, even if the site does not inform annuity, it will probably be a high amount. As well as the minimum income, which must ask for a high purchasing power. Mainly because it is an exclusive card for cooperative members. 

Bradesco Prime Platinum Card or Sicoob Platinum Card: which one to choose?

Finally, after knowing the advantages and disadvantages of each one, it's time to choose: Bradesco Prime Platinum card or Sicoob Platinum card? The answer is both. That is, the best for your reality. If you plan a lot of trips and want to do them with more luxury, Bradesco Prime Signature is a good option.

Now, if you want a more common card, but with some cool benefits, Sicoob is ideal. In addition, the Bradesco card has a high annual fee, so you really need to use the card. That way, it makes the entire payment worth it. 

In addition, in the article recommended below, we show you two other cards. Learn all about the Ton card and Inter Consignado and choose the best one for you!

Ton Card or Inter Consigned Card?

Discover details about credit cards that do not charge an annual fee, with few fees and available for international purchases.

About the author  /  Leticia Maia

Journalism student at UFSC, has always been passionate about writing. In the middle of college, he met digital marketing and was enchanted. She is a content producer for blogs and social networks.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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