Government Aid

Find out if you are a permanent beneficiary of Auxiílio Brasil

Understand how to receive the Brazil Aid and find out if you are a permanent beneficiary of the Brazil Aid. It is necessary to be in a situation of extreme poverty, to be registered in the CadÚnico and if you have a signed work permit, to fulfill the other requirements. Check out!


Senate confirms Permanent Brazil Aid in the amount of R$400 

Mas, como saber se você é beneficiário do Auxílio Brasil? Fonte: CanvaPro.
But, how do you know if you are a beneficiary of the Brazil Aid? Source: CanvaPro.

On May 4, 2022, the Chamber of Deputies approved a provisional measure guaranteeing the minimum amount of R$400 for all beneficiaries of the Brazil Aid on a permanent basis, thus becoming a permanent beneficiary of the Brazil Aid.

In this sense, the government will need to disburse approximately R$41 billion per year to be able to maintain the Auxílio Brasil complement. Once again, it is important to emphasize the program, which came to replace Bolsa Família, which is the most important income program of the Federal Government.

How to enroll in the CadÚnico Program

Check out in this post how to enroll in CadÚnico and have access to the benefits offered by the Federal Government.

According to the Ministry of Citizenship, Auxílio Brasil “integrates into a single program several public policies for social assistance, health, education, employment and income” and even has an emancipation rule.

Under this emancipation rule, beneficiaries who have an increase in income per person who exceeds the limit allowed for the family to be included in the Auxílio Brasil will be kept on the payroll for another 24 months.

Want to know more about it? Read on!

How to apply for Assistance Brazil

Auxílio Brasil came to replace Bolsa Família. Want to know how to sign up to receive the benefit? Read this post and we'll explain it to you step by step.

Will the Brazil Aid be permanent?


On Wednesday, May 20, the then President of the Republic, Jair Bolsonaro, sanctioned the law that amends the Brazil Aid, making the benefit permanent and then only until December 2022, as expected.

This benefit is a program created to replace the then Bolsa Família, the largest income distribution program of the Federal Government, which was then distributed by Caixa Econômica.

In this sense, the benefit that is coordinated by the Ministry of Citizenship and is distributed in the amount of R$400, may vary according to each group of each family, but it will be given permanently.

It is important to say that families that, while receiving the benefit, have an increase in monthly income above the values stipulated by the program rules, of R$210 per person, and that present in their composition, children, young people up to 21 years old or pregnant women, will not have benefit canceled for up to 24 months due to the increase, provided they do not exceed the amount of R$525 per person.

And in addition, if the family loses income again soon after leaving the program, it will be able to request the aid again from the city hall, provided that it meets all the criteria again. In fact, the family will take priority!

According to the program's rules, there are still additional incomes, such as the Scientific Initiation Scholarship, Scholar Sports Scholarship and Rural Productive Inclusion. In addition to being able to receive discounts on the electricity bill and the Gas Aid.


Can anyone with a formal contract receive the Brazil Aid?

Quem tem carteira assinada pode receber o benefício? Fonte: CanvaPro.
Who has a formal contract can receive the benefit? Source: CanvaPro.

Yes! It is possible to receive the benefit even with a formal contract, however, it is necessary to fit the established criteria.

In this case, only families in extreme poverty can receive the benefit, that is, with monthly per capita income of up to R$ 105.

And even if they are also families in poverty, earning up to R$ 210 per person. 

In this way, if you have a formal contract, but if you fit the criteria established above, in addition to being duly registered in CadÚnico and with corrected and updated data, you can then enroll in Auxílio Brasil!

How to apply for the Aid for Brazil, Light and Gas

See how to enroll in Aid for Brazil, Light and Gas. Registration is simple and done in a unique way for the three benefits. Read more and find out.

Who will be a permanent beneficiary of Auxiílio Brasil?

So, let's find out who the beneficiaries of the Brazil Aid are. Check out:

Firstly, who receives the Early Childhood Benefit in the amount of R$130 for families with children up to 3 years old.

Secondly, who has the Family Composition Benefit, in the amount of R$65 monthly for families with pregnant women, nursing mothers or people between 3 and 21 years of age.

And yet, there is also the Benefit for Overcoming Extreme Poverty, for families with monthly per capita income, even if they are added to the previous ones, is equal to or less than the value of the extreme poverty line.

Finally, the Transition Compensatory Benefit, for families benefiting from the Bolsa Família that had a reduction in the financial value of the benefits received in the framework of the new benefits.

It is important to highlight that, during the approval of the measure, the PSDB Senator, Alessandro Vieira, defended the change of the term “early childhood”. This is because he understands that early childhood refers to the age of 6, and not just up to 3, as the provisional measure said. But he withdrew the amendment in order to allow the approval of the measure!

How do I register to receive Brazil Aid?

Mas, afinal, como se inscrever no benefício? Fonte: CanvaPro.
But, after all, how to sign up for the benefit? Source: CanvaPro.

First, you must be enrolled in the Cadúnico, which is the Single Registry of Social Programs of the Federal Government.

Next, you need to check that all the information made available in CadÚnico is correct and up-to-date.

On the other hand, if you are not yet registered with CadÚnico, just go to your city hall so that you can regularize your situation. So, take personal documents and also documents of your family members.

So, access the Caixa application or inquire at number 111 to find out if you are entitled to the benefit!

And besides, there are some ways for you to receive your benefit. Among them: Digital Social Savings, Social Platform and Easy Savings Account.

Firstly, if you already have an account with Caixa and have the Poupança Fácil account, you will be able to receive your benefit.

Secondly, you can also receive through Poupança Social Digital, which is an account opened exclusively for beneficiaries. And then, you don't even need to go to a physical agency, being able to control everything through the app.

Thirdly, you can also get paid through the Social Platform. In fact, to withdraw your aid, just go to one of Caixa's self-service terminals or Lottery Units or CAIXA Correspondents Here!

In any of the chosen options, you need to bring your benefit card. However, at Lotteries and CAIXA Aqui Correspondents, you also need to bring an identification document.

In short, you need to be registered with Cadúnico to apply for Auxílio Brasil and wait for the analysis of the Federal Government. So, click on the recommended content below to see all the details on how to register for Auxílio Brasil!

How to apply for Assistance Brazil

Auxílio Brasil came to replace Bolsa Família. Want to know how to sign up to receive the benefit? Read the post and we'll explain it to you step by step.

About the author  /  Joyce Viana

Graduated in Law from PUC Minas. Post Graduated in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure by Faculdade Legale. She produces content for different niches, from recipes and finance to beauty and health. Since he was a child, he made writing his best friend, and he never stopped!

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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