Government Aid

New Brazil card aid: what has changed?

Auxílio Brasil came to replace Bolsa Família and, therefore, there were some changes in the program. That's why today we're going to explain everything about Brazil Aid and your new card. Read more!


Find out everything that has changed with the new Auxílio Brasil card

Descubra como funciona o novo cartão no Auxílio Brasil. Fonte: Governo Federal.
Find out how the new card works at Auxílio Brasil. Source: Federal Government.

Did you know that you have a new Brazil Aid card? The Bolsa Família Program was created in the 2000s, with the aim of helping families escape poverty and extreme poverty in Brazil. Since then, with all the changes in government, a lot has changed.

How to enroll in the CadÚnico Program

If you want to get government benefits, be sure to check out this article to learn how to enroll in CadÚnico.

Even today, the Bolsa Família program has been replaced by Auxílio Brasil. Basically, Auxílio Brasil has a new card, but with the same objective and data as the other program. Even so, families still have many doubts about the new benefit. Therefore, in today's article we will explain exactly what has changed. Check out!

What is the Brazil Aid and how does it work?

In short, Auxílio Brasil works as a program that intends to integrate all social programs into one. That is, thus correlating health, education, employment and income in a single public policy. Thus, the premise is the transfer of income to families in poverty and extreme poverty. In this sense, the new Auxílio Brasil card seeks to emancipate these family groups. So that they can overcome the situation of social vulnerability.

In addition, Aid Brazil is governed by the Ministry of Citizenship. That is, any doubt or management issues are resolved by this ministry.

Get to know the Brazil Aid benefit

Find out all the details of the new Brazil Aid!

What are the benefits of Brazil Aid?

As mentioned above, Auxílio Brasil seeks to emancipate families through the integration of public policies. In other words, offering health, education, employment and everything necessary for that family to get out of a situation of social vulnerability. Therefore, the new Auxílio Brasil card has several sub-programs to meet these requirements. 

Together, Auxílio Brasil focuses on emancipating families through youth development. Thus, many policies are aimed directly at the health and education of this group. But it is clear that all these policies are accompanied by direct income transfers. 

Therefore, get to know some of the benefits offered by the new Auxílio Brasil card:

Early Childhood Benefit

This benefit is per family member. Therefore, the group receives the value of R$130 per child between 0 and 36 incomplete months.

Family Composition Benefit

The Family Composition Benefit, on the other hand, is intended for families with pregnant women or people between 2 and 21 years of age. That is, this group can receive R$65 for each member.

Benefit for Overcoming Extreme Poverty

One of the main focuses of Auxílio Brasil are families in extreme poverty. Therefore, this benefit focuses on offering a minimum amount calculated per family member.

Child Citizen Aid

As well as the whole family group, Auxílio Brasil puts a lot of effort into children and adolescents. Therefore, Child Citizen Aid grants between R$200 and R$300 to guarantee children's access to day care centers. Incidentally, the value of R$200 is for children on a part-time basis and R$300 on a full-time basis.

Compensatory Transition Benefit

In short, this benefit has to do with the changes made after the program was revamped. That is, it is an amount of money to repair the reduction of the total amount received.

Applying for a new Brazil Card Assistance: what do I need to do?

O Auxílio Brasil é coordenado pelo Ministério da Cidadania. Fonte: Governo Federal.
Auxílio Brasil is coordinated by the Ministry of Citizenship. Source: Federal Government.

In principle, those who still do not have the new Auxílio Brasil card do not need to apply for it either. This is because the Bolsa Família card will continue to be valid normally. According to the Ministry of Citizenship, at least for now, it will not be necessary to change the card.

Who is entitled to the new card?

In short, to be entitled to the new card, you must meet some prerequisites. That is, the necessary requirements to participate in the program itself. Look:

  • Be a family group in a situation of poverty or extreme poverty;
  • Be in emancipation rule.

Incidentally, it is worth remembering that families in poverty are those with monthly per capita income between R$105.01 and R$210. Families in extreme poverty, on the other hand, have a per capita monthly income of up to R$105.00.

What if you don't have the card?

Some people have been in the program longer and still don't have the card. Therefore, it is not necessary to apply yet. This does not prevent the family from receiving the aid. Incidentally, according to the Ministry of Citizenship, it is still possible to withdraw without the card.

However, remember to make sure your registration is regularized. In this sense, in order to register with Auxílio Brasil, it is also necessary to be registered with CadÚnico. In other words, keep your data in the Single Register of Social Programs of the Federal Government always up to date. That way, your benefit will always fall in the right way.

In addition, if you do not have a CadÚnico registration, just go to your city hall. There they will register you. From there, it is necessary to wait for the government to analyze your situation before granting you the Brazil Aid.

How to receive the benefit

Finally, now you know the differences of the new Auxílio Brasil card. That way, you also need to know how it works to receive the benefit. Here we separate three ways for you to withdraw the Brazil Aid. Check out:

  • For digital social savings;
  • Accessing the Caixa Fácil savings account;
  • Direct through the social platform.

It is worth remembering that receiving via digital Social Savings is the simplest and fastest way. Because the government opens this account automatically, when you register to receive the aid. Therefore, it is not necessary to go to a Caixa agency to receive the benefit. 

However, as already mentioned, some families do not have the Auxílio Brasil card. In that case, you need to go to an agency or lottery house. There you present an identification document and manage to withdraw the benefit.

Therefore, now that you know and know how to receive the Auxílio Brasil, discover the step-by-step process to enroll in the program by reading the recommended content below.

How to apply for Assistance Brazil

Auxílio Brasil is an assistance program for families in poverty, find out how to apply for it here.

About the author  /  Leticia Maia

Journalism student at UFSC, has always been passionate about writing. In the middle of college, he met digital marketing and was enchanted. She is a content producer for blogs and social networks.

Reviewed by  /  Junior Aguiar

Senior Editor

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