How to advance FGTS through Banco Pan? Check it step by step
Did you know that you can now access the value of your guarantee fund faster and more conveniently? See here how you can anticipate the FGTS through Banco Pan in a 100% digital way.
Anticipate up to 7 years of your anniversary withdrawal
Have you ever thought about being able to have your FGTS amount in hand without having to be retired, without a job or buying a new house? Know that by anticipating FGTS through Banco Pan you can achieve this!
With this new credit modality, you can anticipate the amount of your FGTS to use today and, thus, finance your projects or make larger purchases.
This way, it is easier for you to access this amount and, therefore, you no longer need to follow the old criteria to be able to withdraw the FGTS amount.
In this post, we will explain to you what is FGTS anticipation by Banco Pan, how it works and how you can access your guarantee fund.
What is Banco Pan's FGTS anticipation?
In short, the FGTS anticipation is a loan modality that allows the public to anticipate the value of their fund.
For this, the birthday withdrawal resource is used, which allows several workers to have access to a percentage of their guarantee fund in the month of their birthdays.
In this way, by anticipating the FGTS through Banco Pan, you will be anticipating the value of up to 7 birthday withdrawals that you would make in the future.
And the best part is that you don't even have to worry about paying. The anticipation is automatically deducted from your fund each year that you anticipate.
This way, you can receive the value of your fund more easily and without needing a justification, since in the past you had to be unemployed, retired or buying a property to access the fund.
Today, you can have the FGTS amount in your account to invest in any project.
Why receive FGTS through a digital account?
Check out the advantages of receiving the fund in the account and how to do it.
Who has the right to advance the FGTS?
As much as the anticipation of the birthday withdrawal is a very interesting resource, it is necessary to consider that to access it, it is necessary to meet some basic criteria.
Therefore, in order to advance FGTS through Banco Pan, it is necessary that you:
- Have at least R$ 400.00 in your fund;
- Has adopted the birthday serve;
- Allow Banco Pan to consult your FGTS data.
By fulfilling these basic requirements, you will already be able to anticipate your birthday withdrawal by the bank.
What are the rates and deadlines for anticipating FGTS through Banco Pan?
Namely, as the FGTS advance works like a normal personal loan, this modality may have built-in interest.
Therefore, when anticipating the FGTS through Banco Pan, you will have to pay interest from 1.49% per month. Here it is important to consider that this rate is applied to everyone who requests the advance.
In addition, there is also the CET (Total Effective Cost) rate, which is charged on all types of loans. In this case, its value can vary between 29.5% to 30% per year.
With regard to installments, the anticipation of the FGTS balance can be paid in up to 7 installments that are automatically charged once a year, in the month of your birthday.
Is it worth anticipating the FGTS?
As much as the anticipation of the FGTS is an interesting option to access the value of the fund, many people may be in doubt if this modality is really worth it.
Therefore, for you to know if it is really interesting for your financial life to anticipate the FGTS through Banco Pan, you need to know the positive and negative points of this contract.
By requesting the anticipation of your birthday withdrawal from Banco Pan, you can:
- Receive money from the fund on time;
- Carry out a contract without leaving home;
- No need to pay monthly installments;
- Having the money in hand without waiting for your birthday.
Thus, by making the FGTS advance through Banco Pan, you can carry out all the contracting digitally and also receive your birthday withdrawal at the same time in your account.
In addition, this type of loan does not have monthly installments, but only an annual installment that is automatically deducted from your fund.
So, you don't have to worry about paying a new installment every month that compromises your budget.
On the other hand, advancing the FGTS through Banco Pan also has its downside.
By carrying out this operation, the balance of your fund is compromised and, in case something happens, such as becoming unemployed or retiring, the total amount of your guarantee fund will be less to access.
Thus, your monthly income may be compromised. Furthermore, anticipation can only be made for those who have more than R$ 400.00 in the fund.
That way, if you have a smaller amount, you won't be able to request your birthday withdrawal.
Finally, the birthday withdrawal request by Banco Pan can only be made by those who have an account at the bank. So, to receive the amount, you need to open an account if you don't already have one.
How to advance FGTS through Banco Pan?
If you liked the possibility of anticipating FGTS through Banco Pan and want to make the contract, just follow the step by step below:
- Enter the FGTS app and opt for the birthday withdrawal;
- Then, click on “Authorize banks to consult your FGTS” and select Pan bank from the list of available institutions;
- Enter the Pan bank website, WhatsApp or app and do the credit simulation;
- Check the available proposals and, with everything right, sign the contract to formalize the operation.
With that done, you will receive the money from your birthday withdrawal in your account within 1 business day and you will be able to use the amount as you wish.
And if you still don't have an account at Banco Pan, but want to make a request from it, check out the following post on how to open this free digital account.
How to open a bank account
See how to open this account to access the anticipation of the birthday withdrawal!
About the author / Leticia Jordan
Reviewed by / Junior Aguiar
Senior Editor
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